January 13, 2003
I try to use MSDAC with DMC,how alway missing header file "propidl.h" or
incorrect version !!!
How can i fix this problem ?
How can i use M$ SDK lib and header file with DMC ?
And because i am new in DMC, so if can, please give me detail about it
(before i use VC++)

THS for help !

January 13, 2003
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:27:30 +0800, Andrew Hoi wrote:
> How can i use M$ SDK lib and header file with DMC ?

see http://cmeerw.org/prog/dm/ms_sdk.html

bye, Christof

http://cmeerw.org                                 JID: cmeerw@jabber.at mailto cmeerw at web.de

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