April 16, 2003
I don't see a reason why this shouldn't work:

template<typename T1, typename T2> class A;

template<typename T>
class A<int, int(T)>
{ };

template<typename T>
class A<int(T), int>
// Error: identifier 'T' found in abstract declarator
{ };

int main()
  return 0;

Extracted from Boosts (1.30.0) function library.

bye, Christof

http://cmeerw.org                                 JID: cmeerw@jabber.at mailto cmeerw at web.de

...and what have you contributed to the Net?
April 17, 2003
Christof Meerwald schrieb...
> I don't see a reason why this shouldn't work:
> template<typename T1, typename T2> class A;
> template<typename T>
> class A<int, int(T)>
> { };

I'm not a template specialist an don't understand what
should be here. Both int and T are types. What I know is a default type
for T as in
  template<typename T>
  class A<int, T=int> {};

- Heinz