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strange problem with typeinfo (...) in functions from other files
Jul 18, 2004
Jul 18, 2004
Jul 18, 2004
simple example code...
Jul 18, 2004
July 18, 2004
Hello all. I've made a global logging system that makes use of streams and
TypeInfo (...).

I'm also using multiple files for my projects.

In the file that I declare main(), my logger works perfectly as expected. I just
call"Whatever I want ", 4, "me"); and I look in the .log file and it
is in there just fine.

However, when I call from other files that don't have main in them, I get a segmentation fault.

The reason I'm blaming the typeinfo _arguments and _argptr stuff is that, even when I comment out the functionality of my function, i still get segmentation faults.

Also, when I replace with[] message), it works just
fine. The program doesn't crash.

So, is there something about (...) that I don't know about and causes it to
crash? thx.

July 18, 2004
oh yes. I forgot to add that I'm using linux with the latest dmd (.95).

My Log is a struct, and I declare the global within the the log module. So all i have to do is import log;

July 18, 2004
trying to fix the problem, I made a function called

char[] arguments(...), which takes a set of arguments and returns them as a char[], and passed this into my log function like"my cool ", 7, " args"))

it works within the file that holds main(), but in other files it causes a
segmentation fault.

July 18, 2004
heres some simple example code that illustrates the problem.

i use the compile line 'dmd main.d argufile.d'

//////////// main.d ////////////////////////////////////////// import argufile;

int main(char [][] args)
char[] message = arguments("bob is ", 7, " years old");

writefln(message); // it works here

argufile.useargs(); // will crash here

return 0; }

// argufile.d //////////////////////////////////////////////////

import std.stdio;
import std.format;
import std.utf;

dchar[] formatstring(TypeInfo[] arguments, void *argptr)
dchar[] message = null;

void putc(dchar c)
message ~= c;

std.format.doFormat(&putc, arguments, argptr);

return message; }

char[] arguments(...) // turns a bunch of arguments into a formatted char[]
return toUTF8(formatstring(_arguments, _argptr));

void useargs()
// crashes on this line
char[] crashage = arguments("why is 8 scared of 7? because", 7,8,9);
