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Looking for ideas
May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 10, 2005
Mike Capp
May 10, 2005
May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 10, 2005
John Demme
May 10, 2005
Mike Capp
May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 10, 2005
John Demme
May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 10, 2005
Burton Radons
May 10, 2005
Mike Capp
May 10, 2005
John Demme
May 10, 2005
Mike Capp
May 11, 2005
John Demme
May 11, 2005
Mike Capp
May 11, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 11, 2005
David Medlock
May 11, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 17, 2005
May 12, 2005
Mike Capp
May 14, 2005
Kevin Bealer
May 10, 2005
Joel Lucsy
May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
oops, almost forgot about "Hello World"
May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk
May 10, 2005
I am going to provide couple of samples for Harmonia Framework beside of the test bed application which I have already .

So I need ideas for simple applications with
web style interface (presumably) or any others.
Will appreciate a lot for ideas.

I am focused on publishing it this week.
Progress so far:
Finalized with Harmonia license. It is slightly
modified PHP license. Text is here
Will appreciate a lot if somebody aware of these matters
will take a look.

So far only toolbar and statusbar are unfinished.

Other stuff which was done recently (and could be viewed in the demo) :
- HTML: <iframe> support. It's just cool - allows dynamic updates of
  portions of HTML on the screen.
- Context menus. They can be enabled for any widget but can be viewed in the
demo only for edit box.
- Simple tree view: on the left side.
- Many features under the hood including excelent one provided by Burton
Radons, the Boxer.
   Having boxes made possible implementation of

alias box[wchar[]] NamedBoxes;
// fetch all values - boxes from a container
NamedBoxes values(Widgets container);
// set values - boxes to all IValues(Widget implementing IValue) in a
// returns number of values successfully set
uint values(Widgets container, in NamedBoxes bag);

These are extremely useful when dealing with e.g. DB forms -
get/set all values of input fields on the form in one shot and eliminates (I
need of databinding mechanism.

Demo is here: http://www.terrainformatica.com/screenshots/HarmoniaDemo.zip


May 10, 2005
In article <d5pank$9qj$1@digitaldaemon.com>, Andrew Fedoniouk says...
>Finalized with Harmonia license. It is slightly
>modified PHP license. Text is here
>Will appreciate a lot if somebody aware of these matters
>will take a look.

It is of course entirely your choice, but *please* consider using one of the standard licenses instead of rolling your own. The OSI (among many others) has observed that "License proliferation has become a significant barrier to open-source deployment" - every new license means more legal uncertainty and makes it harder to combine or reuse OSS code.

In particular, the PHPv3 license you're using as a base is incompatible with the GPL:

"It is a non-copyleft free software license which is incompatible with the GNU GPL. We recommend that you not use this license for anything except PHP add-ons."


I'd suggest using the (new) BSD license instead (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) - it looks substantially similar to what you want, but is well-known, well-understood, compatible with the GPL and liked/used by many companies including Apple and Microsoft. The FSF recommend (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/index_html#GPLCompatibleLicenses) the almost-identical X11 license just to avoid confusion with the old BSD license, but BSD has far greater name recognition.


May 10, 2005
In article <d5q8io$10ci$1@digitaldaemon.com>, Mike Capp says...
>In article <d5pank$9qj$1@digitaldaemon.com>, Andrew Fedoniouk says...
>>Finalized with Harmonia license. It is slightly
>>modified PHP license. Text is here
>>Will appreciate a lot if somebody aware of these matters
>>will take a look.
>I'd suggest using the (new) BSD license instead (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) - it looks substantially similar to what you want, but is well-known, well-understood, compatible with the GPL and liked/used by many companies including Apple and Microsoft. The FSF recommend

I agree - Good suggestion.

May 10, 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Demo is here:
> http://www.terrainformatica.com/screenshots/HarmoniaDemo.zip

Don't know if you're aware, but if I position your demo my secondary monitory positioned to the left of my primary, the popups show on the primary.

Joel Lucsy
"The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program." -- Larry Niven
May 10, 2005
Thanks, Joel,

I am aware of it. Mulimonitor support is there
but I've commented it out for a while as
standard win32.d does not have needed
functions exported.
Use of these functions in fact shall be
activated only for
NativeApplication.os() >= OS.WIN32_2K
so it is going to be a runtime switch.
Thanks a lot anyway.

BTW: I am generating Wiki for Harmonia.
All documentation, design discussions, bugs,
etc. will go there.


May 10, 2005
Thanks a lot, Mike,

As I mentioned there, we can change
license in the future.

Question: will current license
stop anyone from the list to do not use it
now? If there are such people already
then let me know.


May 10, 2005
Regardless of whether or not it will effect people who want to use it now, anyone whom it would inhibit in the future will be less like to use it now.  If they can't use it in the future, why put effort into it now?

John Demme

On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 08:31 -0700, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Thanks a lot, Mike,
> As I mentioned there, we can change
> license in the future.
> Question: will current license
> stop anyone from the list to do not use it
> now? If there are such people already
> then let me know.
> Andrew.

May 10, 2005
In article <d5qk06$1bhl$1@digitaldaemon.com>, Andrew Fedoniouk says...
>Thanks a lot, Mike,
>As I mentioned there, we can change
>license in the future.

Do bear in mind that changing license in the future may prove to be *far* more work than changing it now. For starters, you'd probably need to track down everybody who's contributed code to the project in the meantime and get their permission for the license change. And if you can't track them down, you have to identify, remove and reimplement all their contributions. The Mozilla guys had a hell of a time getting their NPL/MPL codebase relicensed to MPL/GPL/LGPL after the FSF declared NPL/MPL incompatible with the GPL. (Do I win the 2005 'most acronyms in one sentence' award?)


May 10, 2005
http://terrainformatica.com/screenshots/HarmoniaHelloWorld.zip Source:
import harmonia.ui.application;
import harmonia.ui.window;
import harmonia.html.view;

// html behavior could be assigned
// to any container. This time - to the window
alias HtmlPanelT!(Window) HtmlWindow;

void HelloWorldStart()
  HtmlWindow w = new HtmlWindow;
  w.html =
     "<HTML back-color='edit info'
            vertical-align=middle> <!-- center aligned, gradient
background -->
   <H1>Hello, World!<BR/>Stay in Harmony!</H1>
  w.state = Window.STATE.SHOWN;

static this()
  Application.onStart = &HelloWorldStart;

May 10, 2005
One more question about following:

> In particular, the PHPv3 license you're using as a base is incompatible
> with the
> GPL:
> "It is a non-copyleft free software license which is incompatible with the
> GPL. We recommend that you not use this license for anything except PHP
> add-ons."

Why I (as anyone else) should stay with GPL?
What it can give to community and to me pesrsonally "en principle"?
Will Harmonia GPL license, if it will be applied, help spreading D and
in all developer communities or only in some particular?

 I am just wondering.... I did not have a chance to write GPL software
 I am occasionally using gcc and gperf and
 personally don't care what type of license they have.
 So I *really* would like to know is GPL so worth it? May be I missed
 critical here?

Beg my pardon if my questions look naive.
I've seen a lot of flames of holy wars about the subject so
I just *realy* want to hear real arguments finally.


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