May 10, 2006
DBloke wrote:
> Looking good so far ;)

Thanks. But as I said, these tutorials need more love anyway ;)

>> That's pretty inevitable when doing 3d graphics ;)
> Sadly this seems to be the case, I hate Geometry but like 3D how much does that suck? ;)

Depends on what kind of geometry you hate... I didn't enjoy the geometry I had at school very much, but the stuff you use for 3d graphics can get really interesting. And there's a big difference between learning for yourself and learning for the classes. It shouldn't be very hard to get comfortable with the basics required for some cool 3d apps :)

>> Hmmm... If you have any cool ideas, visit #dmedia on the server. I'm just going to sleep (my timezone is GMT+1) but I'll be there tomorrow ;) Maybe making a Pong or something like it would work...
> Pong could be could, in 3D would be quite interesting no?

That might be a good idea, yet I think that introducing more basics before taking on a game will be a wise move ;)

>> as for a simple (but not simple enough for a tutorial) game:
>> <shamelessPlug> </shamelessPlug>
> I played this it was simple but effective and could be a great way to do a quiz type thing at the end of a tutorial, the game made me laugh and the comments and assertions in the code made me laugh more, like the sense of humour :) it definitely helps when coding for sure.

Like if there were many comments ! :P I didn't have the time to comment for this project :> and considering that it would need it for just a moment, it wasn't really worth it :) I've got the experience from writing it and it's enough hehe :) But as for the humor in naming conventions - I couldn't stand writing dull code ;D

Version: 3.1
GCS/M d-pu s+: a-->----- C+++$>++++ UL P+ L+ E--- W++ N++ o? K? w++ !O !M V? PS- PE- Y PGP t 5 X? R tv-- b DI- D+ G e>+++ h>++ !r !y

Tomasz Stachowiak  /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/
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