Thread overview
DWT and all those projects
Jan 31, 2008
Frank Benoit
Feb 02, 2008
Ty Tower
Feb 02, 2008
Jesse Phillips
Feb 02, 2008
Frank Benoit
Feb 04, 2008
Feb 05, 2008
Ty Tower
January 31, 2008
Now there are 5 dwt projects on
The purpose of those is this:

This is the known dwt project from Shawn Liu, based on SWT 3.0.2.
The repository is hosted as subversion repository.
The library is phobos compatible.
This project is not really related to the other 4 projects.

All other DWT projects are hosted as Mercurial repositories.
They are primarily compatible to Tango. (Tangobos?)

DWT-Win, DWT-Linux:
The SWT ports for windows and linux-gtk.

DWT examples and snippets. Perhaps additional tutorial sources. A wild growing examples collection.

Ports of JFace functionality and other high-level stuff building on top of dwt.

All those DWT-... projects are in fact one project. And they only exist, to have separated repositories. Perhaps sometime in future, there will be a way to host those repositories in one dsource-project.

For questions please use this newsgroup instead of the dsource forum, or use the IRC channel #dwt on freenode.

February 02, 2008
Ok Frank
I'm a complete newbie writing a program for myself and I want to use D and throw up a window with some tables and some buttons and panels and things

So where do I get this DWT and how?Is there some documentation I don't understand how to get the source from mercurial !
February 02, 2008
On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 14:05:39 -0500, Ty Tower wrote:

> Ok Frank
> I'm a complete newbie writing a program for myself and I want to use D
> and throw up a window with some tables and some buttons and panels and
> things
> So where do I get this DWT and how?Is there some documentation I don't understand how to get the source from mercurial !

Ty Tower,
If you have mercurial installed

then you just have to run:
hg clone

in the console(run cmd in windows) at the location you wish to have dwt
source files. The files then need to be compiled and installed, I would
suggest DSSS for this:
February 02, 2008
Ty Tower schrieb:
> Ok Frank
> I'm a complete newbie writing a program for myself and I want to use D and throw up a window with some tables and some buttons and panels and things
> So where do I get this DWT and how?Is there some documentation
> I don't understand how to get the source from mercurial !

What plattform are you on?

Windows: the dwt-win is not yet runnable. We are working on it.

Linux: dwt-linux is runnable. Problem may occur and testing is needed. I encourage ppl to use it and report problems. So we can fix bugs.

For install and use of Mercurial, please see

February 04, 2008
Ty Tower wrote:
> Ok Frank
> I'm a complete newbie writing a program for myself and I want to use D and throw up a window with some tables and some buttons and panels and things
> So where do I get this DWT and how?Is there some documentation
> I don't understand how to get the source from mercurial !

For documentation you can use the SWT documentation

Differences: drop org.eclipse. in the module names and change to dwt.
For example: org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button becomes dwt.widgets.Button and org.eclipse.swt.SWT becomes dwt.DWT
February 05, 2008
Thanks all I forgot this forum and put my question on -learn

I originally got on to dwt from here

So off I go to learn to use Mercurial