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dwt learning question,please help
Aug 29, 2008
Sam Hu
Aug 29, 2008
Frank Benoit
Aug 29, 2008
Sam Hu
Aug 29, 2008
Frank Benoit
Aug 29, 2008
Sam Hu
Aug 30, 2008
Frank Benoit
Sep 01, 2008
Sam Hu
Sep 01, 2008
Frank Benoit
Sep 01, 2008
Denis Koroskin
Sep 01, 2008
Denis Koroskin
Sep 01, 2008
Frank Benoit
Sep 01, 2008
Denis Koroskin
Sep 01, 2008
Frank Benoit
Sep 02, 2008
Denis Koroskin
Sep 05, 2008
Sam Hu
Sep 05, 2008
Frank Benoit
Sep 08, 2008
Sam Hu
Sep 08, 2008
Sam Hu
Sep 08, 2008
Denis Koroskin
Sep 08, 2008
Frank Benoit
Sep 01, 2008
Frank Benoit
August 29, 2008
Recently I read a DWT example ,a simple window form contains a label which has a gif image.when form resize,the label either show the whole picture or a messagebox hints the form is too small which can not show the whole image.When I comile the source,an Exception was thrown with info" Array Index out of bounds.",I have no clue about this exception message.Who can help? Thanks.

// smile.gif is in the same folder with source file

module resizeapp;

import dwt.DWT; import dwt.widgets.Display; import dwt.widgets.Shell; import dwt.widgets.Label; import dwt.graphics.Image; import dwt.graphics.ImageData; import dwt.layout.GridLayout; import dwt.layout.GridData; import dwt.events.ControlAdapter; import dwt.events.ControlEvent;

import dwt.widgets.MessageBox; import tango.core.Exception;

class MainForm { private: Display display; Shell shell; Label label; Image image;

void InitializeComponents() { display=new Display; shell =new Shell(display); image=new Image(display,r"smile.gif");

shell.setLayout(new GridLayout); label=new Label(shell,DWT.NONE); label.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING)); label.setImage(image); shell.setData(label);

shell.addControlListener(new class ControlAdapter{ public void controlResized(ControlEvent e) { Shell shell=cast(Shell)e.getSource;

Label label=cast(Label)shell.getData; Rectangle rect=shell.getClientArea; ImageData data=label.getImage.getImageData;

if(rect.width<data.width || rect.height<data.height) { shell.setText("Too small"); label.setText("Oh~ No");

} else { shell.setText("Smile everyday!"); label.setImage(label.getImage); }

} }); shell.pack; shell.open;

while(! shell.isDisposed) { if(! display.readAndDispatch) display.sleep; } if(!(image is null)) image.dispose; display.dispose;

} public: this() { InitializeComponents; } } int main(char[][] args) { try { MainForm mainForm=new MainForm; } catch(Exception e) { MessageBox.showError(e.toString,"Fatal Error"); return -1; }

return 0; } //*****************************************
August 29, 2008
To compile your example the line
import dwt.graphics.Rectangle;
was missing.

The array bounds exception was a bug in DWT. It is fixed in http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwt-win/changeset/302%3A555d58850cd9

Thanks for your interest in DWT and reporting this problem.

August 29, 2008
Hi Frank,

I am realy impressed by this site's prompt response to however stupid questions raised by some newbies just like me,Thanks!

Should I download the new updated Image.d file and overwrite the old one in dwt ?If this is true,then the sam problem:It still can not work with  the exact same exception:Array Index out of bounds.
P.S.:I have added the import import dwt.graphics.Rectangle.
August 29, 2008
Sam Hu schrieb:
> Hi Frank,
> I am realy impressed by this site's prompt response to however stupid questions raised by some newbies just like me,Thanks!
> Should I download the new updated Image.d file and overwrite the old one in dwt ?If this is true,then the sam problem:It still can not work with  the exact same exception:Array Index out of bounds.
> P.S.:I have added the import import dwt.graphics.Rectangle.

If you have downloaded the release, you can now download the latest version of dwt-win here: http://hg.dsource.org/projects/dwt-win/archive/tip.zip (alternatively you could use mercurial directly)

If you use DSSS to build your application, you can pass the "-full -debug -g" option.

If you still have the same problem, .. hm.
I used the GIF from dwt-addons/res/region_shell.gif to produce the
error. Does this work?
With DDBG from http://ddbg.mainia.de/ you can run the program and get a
stacktrace to show the possition of the crash.
Therefor remove the try/catch in you main function and start the program
like this:
ddbg test.exe
then type 'r<enter' to start the program. When the crash occurs the
debugger stopps, type 'us<enter>' to get the stacktrace.

August 29, 2008
Hi Frank,

Sorry ,the same problem.
1.Not using try...catch block
when I run the compiled program from cmd line,exception message is as below:
tango.core.exception.ArrayBoundsException@dwt.graphics.Image(715):Array index out of bounds
2.Following your instruction to debug by ddbg,please refer to the attached screen shot.


August 30, 2008

The stacktrace is informative and shows that your example crashes in
another place than i found a problem.
Unfortunately i cannot reproduce the problem.

Can you post your 'smile.gif'? Or does that also happen for you when you
use one of the gif files from the dwt-samples/res folder?
Which OS are you running? WinXP 32 bit?
How exactly do you build your application? Do you build all directly or
using dwt libs?

I found a comment, about a crash in exactly the line your stacktrace
points to: Image.d line 679. See line 605
    * Bug in GDI+.  For some reason, Bitmap.LockBits() segment faults
    * when loading GIF files in 64-bit Windows.  The fix is to not use
    * GDI+ image loading in this case.
    if (gdip && (void*).sizeof is 8 &&
filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif")) gdip = false;

Does this apply to your machine?

September 01, 2008
This time I use another gif image file located in dwt-samples\res and then I can pass the compile also.When I run the program,it crashed also with the same message.Below is the resoure and the attached please found the compile information and the exception message when I run the program.
module resizeapp;

import dwt.DWT;
import dwt.widgets.Display;
import dwt.widgets.Shell;
import dwt.widgets.Label;
import dwt.graphics.Image;
import dwt.graphics.ImageData;
import dwt.graphics.Rectangle;
import dwt.layout.GridLayout;
import dwt.layout.GridData;
import dwt.events.ControlAdapter;
import dwt.events.ControlEvent;

import dwt.widgets.MessageBox;
import tango.core.Exception;

class MainForm
	Display display;
	Shell shell;
	Label label;
	Image image;

	void InitializeComponents()
		display=new Display;
		shell =new Shell(display);
		image=new Image(display,r"c:\bigd\dwt-samples\res\region_shell.gif");

		shell.setLayout(new GridLayout);
		label=new Label(shell,DWT.NONE);
		label.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING));

		shell.addControlListener(new class ControlAdapter{
			public void controlResized(ControlEvent e)
				Shell shell=cast(Shell)e.getSource;

				Label label=cast(Label)shell.getData;
				Rectangle rect=shell.getClientArea;
				ImageData data=label.getImage.getImageData;

				if(rect.width<data.width || rect.height<data.height)
					shell.setText("Too small");
					label.setText("I'm melting");

					shell.setText("Happy Guy Fits");


		while(! shell.isDisposed)
			if(! display.readAndDispatch)
		if(!(image is null))

int main(char[][] args)
		MainForm mainForm=new MainForm;
	catch(Exception e)
		MessageBox.showError(e.toString,"Fatal Error");
		return -1;

	return 0;


September 01, 2008
this code works for me.
I will install SP3 to see if i can reproduce the problem.
September 01, 2008
On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:32:36 +0400, Frank Benoit <keinfarbton@googlemail.com> wrote:

> this code works for me.
> I will install SP3 to see if i can reproduce the problem.

I have the same bug, too. Windows 2003 Server
September 01, 2008
On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 12:37:31 +0400, Denis Koroskin <2korden@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:32:36 +0400, Frank Benoit <keinfarbton@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> this code works for me.
>> I will install SP3 to see if i can reproduce the problem.
> I have the same bug, too. Windows 2003 Server

More info:

Tango backtrace hack intiated
Unhandled D exception!
Error: Array index out of bounds (tango.core.Exception.ArrayBoundsException) in dwt.graphics.Image [715]
 004d5d51 onArrayBoundsError (+25)
 00404087 void resizeapp.MainForm.InitializeComponents(void*) (+67) resizeapp.d:32
 00404290 class resizeapp.MainForm resizeapp.MainForm._ctor(void*)А (+10) resizeapp.d:79
 004042ab _Dmain (+17) resizeapp.d:86
 004d3041 extern (C) int dmain2.main(int, char**) . void runMain(void*) (+d)
 004df062 mainCRTStartup (+aa)
 77e6f23c ???
 00000001 ???

712 RGB[] rgbs = new RGB[colorPalette.Count];
713 paletteData = new PaletteData(rgbs);
714 for (int i = 0; i < colorPalette.Count; i++) {
715     if (((palette.Entries[i] >> 24) & 0xFF) is 0 && (colorPalette.Flags & Gdip.PaletteFlagsHasAlpha) !is 0) {
716         transparentPixel = i;
717     }
718     rgbs[i] = new RGB(((palette.Entries[i] & 0xFF0000) >> 16), ((palette.Entries[i] & 0xFF00) >> 8), ((palette.Entries[i] & 0xFF) >> 0));
719 }
720 OS.HeapFree(hHeap, 0, palette);
721 break;
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