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why __traits not in trait module and not name it trait
Jun 25, 2009
Sam Hu
Jun 25, 2009
Daniel Keep
Jun 25, 2009
Sam Hu
Jun 25, 2009
June 25, 2009
Yes,__traits did not stole my girl friend,but isn't better to name it trait? And I have thought I can find it in trait moudle but I was wrong.
June 25, 2009

Sam Hu wrote:
> Yes,__traits did not stole my girl friend,but isn't better to name it trait? And I have thought I can find it in trait moudle but I was wrong.

It's not in a module because it's a keyword.  You don't find "function" defined in any library.

As for being called __traits instead of traits, I suspect that's for at least one of two reasons:

1. so it won't invalidate existing code that uses the identifier "traits", and/or

2. because it's not something regular programmers should have to use; it should be used to build a higher-level API using templates.
June 25, 2009
Thank you so much for your help!

Just feel not so good that there are so many "__" in the code when making use of reflection from __traits.


June 25, 2009
Daniel Keep:
> 2. because it's not something regular programmers should have to use; it should be used to build a higher-level API using templates.

Maybe Java programmers. D programmers need that functionality often.
