June 14, 2012
Does it exist?
June 14, 2012
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 12:04:10PM +0200, Andrea Fontana wrote:
> Does it exist?

I have a kind of one:


(it isn't on my github because I still haven't cleaned it up much)

The main function you want is fbGraph() which does a request via curl
and returns it as a Variant[string].

Variant[string] fbGraph(string[] info, string id, bool useCache = false, long maxCacheHours = 2) {

The info takes [null, access_token] (the first argument is obsolete, but so much
of my code passes an array that I didn't want to change it).

The second argument is the Facebook ID or the connection you want. For example


or "adam.d.ruppe/friends".

Then the cache function will save to a local file in /tmp (this thing assumes linux)
and pull from it for up to maxCacheHours instead of asking the network.

The getBasicDataFromVariant function is a convenience once to pull just very basic
info out of some requests, for example, /friends, which returns { "data" : [] } format.

I don't do a lot of posting, but postToFacebookWall does a wall message. It needs
your token to have publish_stream.

Getting permission is not in that file. I have functions for it, but they are in
one of my proprietary files so I have to make sure it is all sanitized before
I pull it out (which isn't easy since they save it to the app's database too).

The basic ideas though is to just redirect them here:

	return (stripWhitespace(

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