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Freeing memory from C
Dec 03, 2013
Dec 03, 2013
John Colvin
Dec 03, 2013
Dec 03, 2013
Dec 03, 2013
Adam D. Ruppe
Dec 03, 2013
Mike Parker
Dec 03, 2013
John Colvin
Dec 03, 2013
Dec 03, 2013
Ali Çehreli
Dec 03, 2013
Dec 03, 2013
December 03, 2013
I have a C module that dynamically allocates memory for a string like so:

char *result = (char*)malloc(length + 1); // 'length' has been calculated

When I call it from D (via extern (C)), is it ok to free it from there like so:

void callFunction() {
  auto result = callToCFunction(); // Returns above *result
  // ...

The problem is that, as it is now, *result is allocated in a different place in the C module (not in "callToCFunction()) and cannot be freed before D has called it.

If D cannot free it in this way, I'll have a serious memory leak and I'll have to rewrite the existing C module (which is probably better given the awkward situation above).

December 03, 2013
On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 10:57:51 UTC, Chris wrote:
> I have a C module that dynamically allocates memory for a string like so:
> char *result = (char*)malloc(length + 1); // 'length' has been calculated
> When I call it from D (via extern (C)), is it ok to free it from there like so:
> void callFunction() {
>   auto result = callToCFunction(); // Returns above *result
>   // ...
>   std.c.stdlib.free(result);
> }
> The problem is that, as it is now, *result is allocated in a different place in the C module (not in "callToCFunction()) and cannot be freed before D has called it.
> If D cannot free it in this way, I'll have a serious memory leak and I'll have to rewrite the existing C module (which is probably better given the awkward situation above).

You should be fine to free in that way as long as you haven't done anything crazy like separately static linking libc.

core.stdc.stdlib; is the correct module to use, std.c.* only exist for backwards compatibility.
December 03, 2013
On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 12:31:16 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 10:57:51 UTC, Chris wrote:
>> I have a C module that dynamically allocates memory for a string like so:
>> char *result = (char*)malloc(length + 1); // 'length' has been calculated
>> When I call it from D (via extern (C)), is it ok to free it from there like so:
>> void callFunction() {
>>  auto result = callToCFunction(); // Returns above *result
>>  // ...
>>  std.c.stdlib.free(result);
>> }
>> The problem is that, as it is now, *result is allocated in a different place in the C module (not in "callToCFunction()) and cannot be freed before D has called it.
>> If D cannot free it in this way, I'll have a serious memory leak and I'll have to rewrite the existing C module (which is probably better given the awkward situation above).
> You should be fine to free in that way as long as you haven't done anything crazy like separately static linking libc.
> core.stdc.stdlib; is the correct module to use, std.c.* only exist for backwards compatibility.

Ok. Thanks for the answer. std.c.stdlib.free() is mentioned on the "How to interface to C" page (http://dlang.org/interfaceToC.html). So maybe that needs an update.
December 03, 2013

> std.c.stdlib.free() is mentioned on the "How to interface to C" page (http://dlang.org/interfaceToC.html). So maybe that needs an update.

You can file an enhancement request for the documentation, or fix the docs yourself.

I'll file a little bug report for the other library deprecation problem.

December 03, 2013
On 12/3/2013 9:31 PM, John Colvin wrote:
> You should be fine to free in that way as long as you haven't done
> anything crazy like separately static linking libc.

I wouldn't advise this in the general case. When you have complete end-to-end control, sure. But if, for example, you're using a dynamic binding to load a shared library, all bets are off. Most likely on Linux and Mac you'll be fine. But on Windows, the shared lib could have been compiled with DMC, GCC, MSVC, or who knows what else.

December 03, 2013
On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 13:05:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> On 12/3/2013 9:31 PM, John Colvin wrote:
>> You should be fine to free in that way as long as you haven't done
>> anything crazy like separately static linking libc.
> I wouldn't advise this in the general case. When you have complete end-to-end control, sure. But if, for example, you're using a dynamic binding to load a shared library, all bets are off. Most likely on Linux and Mac you'll be fine. But on Windows, the shared lib could have been compiled with DMC, GCC, MSVC, or who knows what else.

Fair point.

What I should have said is:

This is fine as long as you know you that both the C code and D code will be using the same so/dll/dylib C runtime.

It's worth noting that the situation is not specific to D: it's exactly the same as freeing memory in C that you got from a library. If they are using different runtimes, or even different instances of the same runtime, all bets are off. At best, your memory won't get freed, at worst it will cause corruption.
December 03, 2013
On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 13:05:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> On 12/3/2013 9:31 PM, John Colvin wrote:
>> You should be fine to free in that way as long as you haven't done
>> anything crazy like separately static linking libc.
> I wouldn't advise this in the general case. When you have complete end-to-end control, sure. But if, for example, you're using a dynamic binding to load a shared library, all bets are off. Most likely on Linux and Mac you'll be fine. But on Windows, the shared lib could have been compiled with DMC, GCC, MSVC, or who knows what else.

Fortunately, I have end-to-end control. It is a bit of a hack and I'm not too happy with it. But as long as it doesn't leak, it'll do for now.
December 03, 2013
On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 14:18:35 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 13:05:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
>> On 12/3/2013 9:31 PM, John Colvin wrote:
>>> You should be fine to free in that way as long as you haven't done
>>> anything crazy like separately static linking libc.
>> I wouldn't advise this in the general case. When you have complete end-to-end control, sure. But if, for example, you're using a dynamic binding to load a shared library, all bets are off. Most likely on Linux and Mac you'll be fine. But on Windows, the shared lib could have been compiled with DMC, GCC, MSVC, or who knows what else.
> Fair point.
> What I should have said is:
> This is fine as long as you know you that both the C code and D code will be using the same so/dll/dylib C runtime.
> It's worth noting that the situation is not specific to D: it's exactly the same as freeing memory in C that you got from a library. If they are using different runtimes, or even different instances of the same runtime, all bets are off. At best, your memory won't get freed, at worst it will cause corruption.

As with all C code I can only say I _hope_ I know what I'm doing. The C code is compiled into a library and linked to the D program  at compile time. It's one executable. So I hope that's fine.

I noticed a strange behavior though. In my C code I had an uninitialized variable[1], the "int length;" mentioned above. When I compiled it to a library and linked it with my program, everything worked fine, the string was allocated correctly and came out as expected, i.e. the length was calculated correctly with "length += otherlength;". However, when I moved the same library to my vibe.d project, compiled and linked, I got a segmentation fault and the program crashed. It wasn't until then, that I became aware of uninitialized variable. I think that the latter behavior is the correct one (segfault > crash). But why did it work correctly in the other D program, how did the C variable get initialized?

[1] a D habit not to write "int i = 0;", but just "int i;", being the spoiled D-brat I am
December 03, 2013
On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 12:43:08 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> You can file an enhancement request for the documentation, or fix the docs yourself.

December 03, 2013
On 12/03/2013 06:45 AM, Chris wrote:

> I became aware of uninitialized variable. I think that the latter
> behavior is the correct one (segfault > crash). But why did it work
> correctly in the other D program, how did the C variable get initialized?

Undefined behavior sometimes manifests itself as working correctly. :)

Regarding your original question, I suggest that the C library provides a function that frees the memory itself. The D code should just call that function with the pointer at hand.


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