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Running DMD tests
Jun 13, 2011
Peter Alexander
Jul 12, 2011
Jul 12, 2011
David Nadlinger
Jul 12, 2011
June 13, 2011
I'm trying to run the test suite for DMD, but I'm running into issues.

I've cloned dmd from github, and successfully built dmd, but when I run 'make' from the dmd/test dir, I get:

  $ make
  Creating output directory: test_results
  Building d_do_test tool
  object.d: Error: module object is in file 'object.d' which cannot
  be read
  Specify path to file 'object.d' with -I switch
  make: *** [test_results/d_do_test] Error 1

Do I need to set up my environment differently to run dmd in development? How can I get around this?

Note: I'm running OSX 10.6.7

July 12, 2011
Am 13.06.2011, 23:55 Uhr, schrieb Peter Alexander <>:

> I'm trying to run the test suite for DMD, but I'm running into issues.
> Do I need to set up my environment differently to run dmd in development? How can I get around this?

To quote IRC:

In theory it's simple: go to dmd/test and run make.
In practice you need to have druntime and phobos installed at the right places.
I think if you clone dmd, druntime, and phobos and put them all in the same directory, then you build dmd, druntime, and phobos, then you should be able to run the test suite.

you also need to have a dmd.conf that's not included with the suite :<	

Ah, yeah, true. And since I remember I made my dmd.conf point to those places, maybe you don't need to have druntime and phobos there after all.
But it's still a good idea to be able to get non-release druntime (and to some extent phobos) when playing with non-release versions of DMD.
July 12, 2011
The problem you are experiencing comes from no dmd.conf being included with the Git repository. Either you can add one to your Git clone directory, or use your normal system-wide installation which probably has all the paths set up correctly by specifying the DMD variable: »make DMD=/usr/local/bin/dmd«.


On 6/13/11 11:55 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:
> I'm trying to run the test suite for DMD, but I'm running into issues.
> I've cloned dmd from github, and successfully built dmd, but when I run
> 'make' from the dmd/test dir, I get:
> $ make
> Creating output directory: test_results
> Building d_do_test tool
> object.d: Error: module object is in file 'object.d' which cannot
> be read
> Specify path to file 'object.d' with -I switch
> make: *** [test_results/d_do_test] Error 1
> Do I need to set up my environment differently to run dmd in
> development? How can I get around this?
> Note: I'm running OSX 10.6.7
> Thanks

July 12, 2011
Am 12.07.2011, 20:57 Uhr, schrieb David Nadlinger <>:
> or use your normal system-wide installation which probably has all the paths set up correctly by specifying the DMD variable: »make DMD=/usr/local/bin/dmd«.

Thanks a lot for that hint!