June 25, 2011

I'm sure you guys already have good D tutorials, I recommend you pick a good one and post it to Google Code University.

June 25, 2011
Well, I don't have a good D tutorial.  I think the best tutorial out there
is The D Programming Language book (of course we can't post that one to the
Google Code University).
I've got an idea, what if someone teaches D programming at
http://ureddit.com/?  It takes an enormous amount of time and dedication,
but it would be a golden contribution to D and its community.
Also, I'm working on a project to create a free wikibook tutorial for D:
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/D_(The_Programming_Language)/d2/Phobos .  A
handful of people have contributed, but it's still very unfinished, and it
has a long, long way to go.
I'm a complete supporter of making free and comprehensive resources for
learning D more available on the internet.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Fellow Traveler < fellowtraveler@rayservers.net> wrote:

> http://code.google.com/edu/
> I'm sure you guys already have good D tutorials, I recommend you pick a
> good one and post it to Google
> Code University.