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Warning: explicit element-wise assignment (this.vector)[] = vec.vector[cast(ulong)0..cast(ulong)dimension]
Jun 24, 2013
Jun 24, 2013
Jonathan M Davis
Jun 24, 2013
Jun 24, 2013
Jun 24, 2013
Jun 25, 2013
Jun 24, 2013
Ali Çehreli
Jun 24, 2013
Jun 24, 2013
Ali Çehreli
Jun 24, 2013
Jun 25, 2013
Ali Çehreli
Jun 25, 2013
Ali Çehreli
June 24, 2013
I am getting lots of errors when compiling with -w:

// https://github.com/Dav1dde/gl3n/blob/master/gl3n/linalg.d#L144
    this(T)(T vec) if(is_vector!T && is(T.vt : vt) && (T.dimension >=
dimension)) {
        vector = vec.vector[0..dimension];

this line produces following warning:

gl3n/linalg.d(144): Warning: explicit element-wise assignment
(this.vector)[] = vec.vector[cast(ulong)0..cast(ulong)dimension] is
better than this.vector = vec.vector[cast(ulong)0..cast(ulong)dimension]

Why does dmd produce this warning? (this is new in 2.063) Why is
assigning elementwise better?
June 24, 2013
On Monday, June 24, 2013 16:07:19 David wrote:
> I am getting lots of errors when compiling with -w:
> // https://github.com/Dav1dde/gl3n/blob/master/gl3n/linalg.d#L144
>     this(T)(T vec) if(is_vector!T && is(T.vt : vt) && (T.dimension >=
> dimension)) {
>         vector = vec.vector[0..dimension];
>     }
> this line produces following warning:
> gl3n/linalg.d(144): Warning: explicit element-wise assignment
> (this.vector)[] = vec.vector[cast(ulong)0..cast(ulong)dimension] is
> better than this.vector = vec.vector[cast(ulong)0..cast(ulong)dimension]
> Why does dmd produce this warning? (this is new in 2.063) Why is
> assigning elementwise better?

According to the changelog ( http://dlang.org/changelog.html ), it sounds like it's because doing an element-wise copy is "arbitrarily expensive" (probably meaning O(n) rather than O(1)), so it potentially gave the false impression of being a simple, cheap assignment if the slicing syntax wasn't used. But I don't know what exactly went into that decision beyond what's listed in the changelog.

- Jonathan M Davis
June 24, 2013

> Why does dmd produce this warning? (this is new in 2.063) Why is
> assigning elementwise better?

The short answer is: do as the compiler suggests you, and be very happy the compiler avoids you some bugs.

The explanation is longer. In brief, it's much better to avoid some bugs and to make the D semantics more clear, to denote all vector ops, including the assignment with a [].

June 24, 2013
Am 24.06.2013 16:30, schrieb bearophile:
> David:
>> Why does dmd produce this warning? (this is new in 2.063) Why is
>> assigning elementwise better?
> The short answer is: do as the compiler suggests you, and be very happy the compiler avoids you some bugs.

The problem is, I wrote this code on purpose and I *want* it to work
like that, and I evenn need it to work like that (a few lines above in
"construct"), but this currently blocks gl3n from beeing updated for Fedora.

> The explanation is longer. In brief, it's much better to avoid some bugs and to make the D semantics more clear, to denote all vector ops, including the assignment with a [].

What kind of bugs does it avoid?
I can't think of a single bug which could happen...
(Ranges/Lengths are checked at runtime...)
June 24, 2013

> What kind of bugs does it avoid?
> I can't think of a single bug which could happen...
> (Ranges/Lengths are checked at runtime...)

Some reasons:
- Syntax uniformity: similar behaviours should look similar. This is a general rule of language design, that avoids troubles you don't even know. All array ops use [], so it's right for vector assignment to use them.
- The second rule is that in a language as D we want to denote different code complexities with different code. This is the reason given in the Changelog, and it explains while length and walkLength have different names.
In past you were not able to tell from a look at the syntax what's happening:

void main() {
    int[][3] x;
    int[]    y;
    int[]    z;

    x[] = z; // copies just the z pointer
    y[] = z; // copies the elements in z

More details:
Coming from this older:

You are welcome,
June 24, 2013
On 06/24/2013 12:17 PM, David wrote:

> The problem is, I wrote this code on purpose and I *want* it to work
> like that, and I evenn need it to work like that (a few lines above in
> "construct"), but this currently blocks gl3n from beeing updated for Fedora.

You are right because 'vector' is a fixed-length array. So, the following two have the same effect:

    vector = vec.vector[0..dimension];

    vector[] = vec.vector[0..dimension];

I don't know whether that is by design. One can argue that array-wise syntax should be recommended only for slices.

In any case, as bearophile says, uniformity is always helpful.


June 24, 2013
Ali Çehreli:

> So, the following two have the same effect:
>     vector = vec.vector[0..dimension];
>     vector[] = vec.vector[0..dimension];

The first syntax will be deprecated and later it will become an error.

June 24, 2013
On 06/24/2013 03:12 PM, bearophile wrote:

> Ali Çehreli:
>> So, the following two have the same effect:
>>     vector = vec.vector[0..dimension];
>>     vector[] = vec.vector[0..dimension];
> The first syntax will be deprecated and later it will become an error.

I am confused. Even if the right-hand expression were a fixed-length array? If so, then we wouldn't speak of their being value types. (?)

    a = b;    // should be fine

Otherwise, fixed-length arrays would become weird types that cannot be used in assignment operations.

I just read the change log. Either it is incorrect or the change is implemented inccorrectly because it is supposed to be about the right-hand side. So, OP's code is correct after all.

Here is the excerpt from the change log:

Array copy operations now always require using the slice syntax:

The right-hand-side of an array copy operation now requires using the slice syntax:

void main()
    int[][2] x;
    int[] y;
    int[] z;

    x[] = z;    // copies z (pointer + length) 2 times to x
    y[] = z;    // copies each element of z into y (compiler emits warning)

If the user intended to write such code they must use the slice syntax for both the source and target arrays:

void main()
    int[][2] x;
    int[] y;
    int[] z;

    y[] = z[];  // copies each element of z into y (no warnings)


The compiler will emit a warning to make the user aware that the copy operation is arbitrarily expensive.


June 24, 2013
Ali Çehreli:

> I am confused. Even if the right-hand expression were a fixed-length array? If so, then we wouldn't speak of their being value types. (?)
>     a = b;    // should be fine
> Otherwise, fixed-length arrays would become weird types that cannot be used in assignment operations.
> I just read the change log. Either it is incorrect or the change is implemented inccorrectly because it is supposed to be about the right-hand side. So, OP's code is correct after all.

Sorry, my mistake, I have confused the two things a bit, regarding the position of the [].

Currently this code gives no warnings:

void main() {
    int[3] a, b;
    a = b;

This topic is discussed a little in Issue 7444.

June 25, 2013
On 06/24/2013 04:11 PM, bearophile wrote:

> Currently this code gives no warnings:
> void main() {
>      int[3] a, b;
>      a = b;
> }
> This topic is discussed a little in Issue 7444.



1) Single element on the right-hand side is disallowed unless lhs is "all elements". One must write the following ("sa" is static array and "da" is dynamic array):

  sa[] = e;
  da[] = e;

2) Mixing static array and dynamic array on both sides of = is disallowed:

  sa[] = da[];   // fine: both dynamic arrays
  da[] = sa[];   // ditto
  da   = sa[];   // ditto
  sa[] = da;     // ditto


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