March 27, 2014

I'm trying to send a delegate to a modified version of druntime's GC as follows:

struct GC {
	static void onCollect(void* dg)

my code:

	extern (C) extern __gshared void collecting(void* p, size_t sz){
		import std.stdio;
		writeln(p, sz);


and the caller in gc.d casts this to a function(void*, size_t) before sending the parameters.

I get the following:

object.Error: Access Violation
0x00536A9D in gc_onCollect
0x0051FA18 in D2rt6dmain211_d_run_mainUiPPaPUAAaZiZ6runAllMFZ9__lambda1MFZv
0x0051F9EB in void rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int function(ch
0x0051F904 in _d_run_main
0x00446258 in main
0x0055C991 in mainCRTStartup
0x7513495D in BaseThreadInitThunk
0x770B98EE in RtlInitializeExceptionChain
0x770B98C4 in RtlInitializeExceptionChain
There are still tasks running at exit.
Error executing command run: Program exited with code 1

I'm wondering, why doesn't this execute the callback? I've tried many combinations of types but it looks like the pointer isn't accessible...

April 13, 2014
On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 00:46:33 UTC, Etienne wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to send a delegate to a modified version of druntime's GC as follows:
> struct GC {
> 	static void onCollect(void* dg)
> 	{
> 		gc_onCollect(cast(void*)dg);
> 	}

There isn't enough information here to extract what's going on in your code.