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Good/Bad? @disable postblit for struct InputRange
Sep 05, 2014
Nick Sabalausky
Sep 05, 2014
Sep 06, 2014
Nick Sabalausky
September 05, 2014
One issue with struct-based input ranges: Saving the state of an input range is not supported (by definition of input range), and yet, you can trivially and accidentally do so with a simple assignment or passing into a function. The results may or may not blow up depending on the exact situation.

And if the input range happens to hit a poorly-implemented algorithm which *should* be statically requiring a ForwardRange and using ".save()" to duplicate state, but instead accepts any range and (accidentally?) saves state by simple struct copy...which will work fine for most struct-based forward ranges and therefore could go completely unnoticed...Then once again, your input range touches it and BOOM.

This *could* be addressed by making the input range a class, but that seems a bit overkill in many cases.

So I'm tempted to give my struct-bassed input ranges a @disable'd postblit. That would solve the problem, right? Would there be any reason NOT to do this?
September 05, 2014
On Friday, 5 September 2014 at 19:55:50 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> One issue with struct-based input ranges: Saving the state of an input range is not supported (by definition of input range), and yet, you can trivially and accidentally do so with a simple assignment or passing into a function. The results may or may not blow up depending on the exact situation.
> And if the input range happens to hit a poorly-implemented algorithm which *should* be statically requiring a ForwardRange and using ".save()" to duplicate state, but instead accepts any range and (accidentally?) saves state by simple struct copy...which will work fine for most struct-based forward ranges and therefore could go completely unnoticed...Then once again, your input range touches it and BOOM.
> This *could* be addressed by making the input range a class, but that seems a bit overkill in many cases.
> So I'm tempted to give my struct-bassed input ranges a @disable'd postblit. That would solve the problem, right? Would there be any reason NOT to do this?

Ref semantics is one option, yes. Either by class, or by struct. For example, most IO ranges implemented ref-counted reference semantics.

IMO, disabling postblit is overkill, as almost anything that does anything with ranges will pass them by value at one point or another.

That said, most of the functions that do operate (and modify) a range either take it by reference, or return the modified copy. This means you can "boomrang" your range in and then back out. EG:
r = doIt(r);

For example, copy, find etc... do this.

*Ideally*, these functions would do a move-return, and you'd pass-by-move, so you'd be able to effectively disable postblit, but still pass by move-value. Unfortunately, we aren't quite there yet...

My 0.02$
September 06, 2014
On 9/5/2014 6:14 PM, monarch_dodra wrote:
> Ref semantics is one option, yes. Either by class, or by struct. For
> example, most IO ranges implemented ref-counted reference semantics.
> IMO, disabling postblit is overkill, as almost anything that does
> anything with ranges will pass them by value at one point or another.
> *Ideally*, these functions would do a move-return, and you'd
> pass-by-move, so you'd be able to effectively disable postblit, but
> still pass by move-value. Unfortunately, we aren't quite there yet...

I see. Good points, thanks.