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std.allocator is ready for the review
Jun 12, 2015
Jacob Carlborg
June 11, 2015
Well, we're finally there. std.experimental.allocator is ready for review.

There are over 11KLOC (including unittests and ddoc source) to deal with, so I wanted to give the community a head start in looking over it prior to the official review period.

What std.experimental.allocator is:

* A hookable interface for allocating and releasing memory.

* A systematic and hierarchical approach to global allocation, spanning the stack, thread-local storage, and process-level memory.

* A collection of quality implementations of typical memory allocation strategies, including free lists, regions, bitmapped blocks, bucketized size-specialized allocators, and more.

* A framework for easy assembly and experimentation with custom allocation strategies.

* An integration of types within the allocation strategy, allowing concrete allocators to exploit various characteristics of the types they are allocating.

What std.experimental.allocator is not:

* An abstraction of lifetime management, e.g. transparently choosing between tracing vs. reference counting.

* An abstraction of notions such as "address", "pointer", and "reference".

June 11, 2015
Ehm, forgot to give the appropriate links.

Docs entry point:, see also all modules listed from the left under std.experimental.allocator.



June 12, 2015
On 2015-06-12 00:18, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> Code:

* Your ODBC code seems to be in the same branch
* You have commented out some code in std.math and std.traits
* What is std.typed_allocator? It doesn't seem to have anything related to allocators, some leftover code?

/Jacob Carlborg