Thread overview
Implementing a Programming Language in D: Lexical Analysis
Dec 29, 2015
Walter Bright
Dec 29, 2015
Ali Çehreli
Dec 29, 2015
Ali Çehreli
Dec 30, 2015
Dec 30, 2015
Basile B.
December 28, 2015 (Go through the front page, not this link, or your votes won't count)
December 28, 2015
On 12/28/2015 04:28 PM, Walter Bright wrote:


Although the author does not use many D idioms, I've just learned (re-learned?) anonymous enums from that code.

I've realized that with a nested anonymous enum, there is no need to (and no way of) mentioning the enum type inside a user-defined type. This can simplify the implementation:

struct S {
    enum { value }

    void foo() {
        // Look ma, no type:
        assert(value == 0);

void main() {
    // Properly name-spaced outside of the struct:
    assert(S.value == 0);

As can be seen, the users of the struct still have to name-space the enum value as S.value. There is no need for an additional enum type for example like S.MyEnum.value.


December 28, 2015
On 12/28/2015 09:57 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> anonymous enums

Wow! They are pretty weird:

1) The second form of the AnonymousEnumDeclaration spec is redundant, right?

    enum : EnumBaseType { EnumMembers }
    enum { EnumMembers }            <-- Redundant?
    enum { AnonymousEnumMembers }

The reason is, AnonymousEnumMembers already covers EnumMembers, no?

2) Anonymous enum definitions can have types right inside the list:

    Type Identifier = AssignExpression

enum {
    ulong b = 42, c,   // b and c are ulong
    s = "hello",       // an inferred string between integrals!
    x = 7, y, z

3) The types of x, y, and z are 'int' because 7 is an int (they don't follow the type of 'c'). However, move 's' to the end of the list or remove it altogether, then x, y, and z become ulong! Weird. Ok, I'm going to forget about this feature now. :p


December 30, 2015
On Tuesday, 29 December 2015 at 05:57:34 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> I've realized that with a nested anonymous enum, there is no need to (and no way of) mentioning the enum type inside a user-defined type. This can simplify the implementation:

Only if you intend to use enum members as manifest constants,
otherwise you're losing the type safety and explicitness
offered by named enums.
For example, I wouldn't use an anonymous enum for lexeme types.

> enum {
>     a,
>     ulong b = 42, c,   // b and c are ulong
>     s = "hello",       // an inferred string between integrals!
>     x = 7, y, z
> }

For me, it's a clear example of unnecessary over-engineering.

> However, move 's' to the end of the list or remove it altogether,
> then x, y, and z become ulong! Weird.

It's even worse than that: x, y and z will still be int (inferred from 7).
This code

> void main()
> {
>     enum {
>        a,
>        ulong b = 42, c,   // b and c are ulong
>        x = 7, y, z
>     }
>     import std.stdio, std.typecons;
>     tuple!(typeof(b), typeof(c), typeof(x)).writeln;
> }

will print

> Tuple!(ulong, ulong, int)(0, 0, 0)

which is somewhat counter-intuitive. I would suggest to remove this feature
as useless and bug-prone. The following is much clearer IMHO,
even though it's more verbose:

> enum { a }
> enum: ulong { b = 42, c }
> enum { s = "hello" }
> enum { x = 7, y, z }

Even more than that, I would also suggest to remove anonymous auto-typed enums
without an initial value from which type can be inferred, e.g.:

> enum { a } // a is an int implicitly

Again, the following is not much harder to write, but the type of 'a' is immediately clear:

> enum: int { a } // a = int.init, obviously

Although I understand that these are breaking changes,
and D is too mature to break anything (almost not being sarcastic).
December 30, 2015
On Wednesday, 30 December 2015 at 14:41:38 UTC, burjui wrote:
> On Tuesday, 29 December 2015 at 05:57:34 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> [...]
> Even more than that, I would also suggest to remove anonymous auto-typed enums
> without an initial value from which type can be inferred, e.g.:
>> [...]
> Again, the following is not much harder to write, but the type of 'a' is immediately clear:
>> [...]
> Although I understand that these are breaking changes,
> and D is too mature to break anything (almost not being sarcastic).

anonymous enum are just not enumerations... They are more "manifest constants" available at CT. Actually their members even dont verify (is(T == enum)) ;).

They also allow not to write too much enum... and to fold in an editor.