July 03, 2017
This code:

void fun() {
  auto a = new int;

results in this assembly output on asm.dlang.org:

void example.fun():
 push   rbp
 mov    rbp,rsp
 sub    rsp,0x10
 mov    edi,0x0
 call   12 <void example.fun()+0x12>
 mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rax

It'd help a lot if relocation entries are also indicated. With objdump, it's the `-r` flag.

Thanks for adding that flag on asm.dlang.org.

-  Johan

(see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8992938/objdump-and-resolving-linkage-of-local-function-calls for more info on the problem)