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How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable variables in a class?
Jun 05, 2023
Ki Rill
Jun 05, 2023
Basile B.
Jun 05, 2023
Basile B.
Jun 06, 2023
Basile B.
Jun 06, 2023
Ali Çehreli
Jun 05, 2023
Paul Backus
Jun 06, 2023
Basile B.
Jun 06, 2023
Basile B.
Jun 05, 2023
Jun 06, 2023
Ki Rill
Jun 06, 2023
Ki Rill
Jun 06, 2023
Basile B.
June 05, 2023

How do I generate setX methods for all private mutable variables in my class? Do I need to use __traits?

I need this for my tiny-svg project to generate setX methods for all Shapes.


class Rectangle {
    private immutable ...;
    private Color fillColor;
    private Color strokeColor;
    private uint strokeWidth;

    this(int x, int y) {...}


    // I need this:
    Rectangle setFillColor(Color color) {...}
    Rectangle setStrokeColor(Color color) {...}
    Rectangle setStrokeWidth(uint color) {...}


new Rectangle(10, 10)
June 05, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:


How do I generate setX methods for all private mutable variables in my class? Do I need to use __traits?

I need this for my tiny-svg project to generate setX methods for all Shapes.


class Rectangle {
    private immutable ...;
    private Color fillColor;
    private Color strokeColor;
    private uint strokeWidth;

    this(int x, int y) {...}


    // I need this:
    Rectangle setFillColor(Color color) {...}
    Rectangle setStrokeColor(Color color) {...}
    Rectangle setStrokeWidth(uint color) {...}


new Rectangle(10, 10)

You need to put an user attribute on the fieldd then to use static introspection to generate the setters.

Very basically that works like that

enum Set;
class Color {}

auto generateSetters(T)()
    string result;
    import std.traits;
    static foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, T))
        alias member = __traits(getMember, T, m);
        static if (hasUDA!(member, Set))
            result ~= "void set" ~ m ~  "(" ~ typeof(member).stringof ~ "){}\n";
    return result;

class Rectangle {
    @Set private Color fillColor;
    @Set private Color strokeColor;
    @Set private uint strokeWidth;


void main()
    with (new Rectangle) {


although I did not spent time on the setter body... I suppose the question was more about the metprogramming technic, and that you don't want a pre-mashed solution ;)

June 05, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:


How do I generate setX methods for all private mutable variables in my class? Do I need to use __traits?

I need this for my tiny-svg project to generate setX methods for all Shapes.


class Rectangle {
    private immutable ...;
    private Color fillColor;
    private Color strokeColor;
    private uint strokeWidth;

    this(int x, int y) {...}


    // I need this:
    Rectangle setFillColor(Color color) {...}
    Rectangle setStrokeColor(Color color) {...}
    Rectangle setStrokeWidth(uint color) {...}

Is there a reason you can't just make these fields public?

D supports property accessors, so you can always go back and make them private later on if it turns out you need to. For example:

// Before
class MyClass1
    public int data;

void example1(MyClass1 c)
    c.data = 123; // set
    int n = c.data; // get

// After
class MyClass2
    private int data_;
    int data() { return data; }
    void data(int value) { data = value; }

void example2(MyClass2 c)
    // Usage is exactly the same
    c.data = 123; // set
    int n = c.data; // get
June 05, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 15:13:43 UTC, Basile B. wrote:


On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:


How do I generate setX methods for all private mutable

although I did not spent time on the setter body... I suppose the question was more about the metprogramming technic, and that you don't want a pre-mashed solution ;)

By the way...an other solution is to use opDispatch:

class Color {}

class Rectangle {
    private Color fillColor;
    private Color strokeColor;
    private uint strokeWidth;

    auto opDispatch(string member, T)(auto ref T t)
             static if (member == "setStrokeWidth") {}
        else static if (member == "setStrokeColor") {}
        else static if (member == "setFillColor") {}
        else static assert(0, "cannot set " ~ member);
        return this;

void main()
    (new Rectangle)

Sure the first solution takes advantage of D features but to generate code that finally looks like C# or Delphi (Set, Get; property, etc.)

On top of that I tend to prefer the later solution because self-introspection based on __traits has corner issues, especially when typecons-like structures are used for the members (e.g sumtype, nullable, etc.).

June 05, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:


How do I generate setX methods for all private mutable variables in my class? Do I need to use __traits?

mixin template GenerateSetters() {
	static foreach (idx, field; typeof(this).tupleof) static if (__traits(getVisibility,field) == "private") {
				void %SETTER(typeof(this.tupleof[idx]) _) {
					%NAME = _;
			.replace("%NAME", field.stringof)
			.replace("%SETTER", "set"~toUpper(field.stringof[0..1]) ~ field.stringof[1..$])
class Rectangle {
	private Color fillColor;
	private Color strokeColor;
	private uint strokeWidth;

	this(int x, int y) {}

	mixin GenerateSetters;

void main() {
	auto rect = new Rectangle(0, 0);
	assert(rect.strokeWidth == 4);
June 06, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 18:54:30 UTC, cc wrote:


On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:


How do I generate setX methods for all private mutable variables in my class? Do I need to use __traits?

mixin template GenerateSetters() {
	static foreach (idx, field; typeof(this).tupleof) static if (__traits(getVisibility,field) == "private") {
				void %SETTER(typeof(this.tupleof[idx]) _) {
					%NAME = _;
			.replace("%NAME", field.stringof)
			.replace("%SETTER", "set"~toUpper(field.stringof[0..1]) ~ field.stringof[1..$])
class Rectangle {
	private Color fillColor;
	private Color strokeColor;
	private uint strokeWidth;

	this(int x, int y) {}

	mixin GenerateSetters;

void main() {
	auto rect = new Rectangle(0, 0);
	assert(rect.strokeWidth == 4);

Thank you! That is exactly what I needed. Although another solution provided by Basile B. using attributes opens a door for other posibilities...

I don't usually use metaprogramming or code generation much, this is an eye-opening experience.

June 06, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 15:28:34 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:


Is there a reason you can't just make these fields public?

My bet is that OP actually wants to generate something like

void setStrokeWidth(uint value)
    if (value = strokeWidth) return;
    strokeWidth = value;
    // or maybe...
    // needRedraw = true;

that's a common pattern in 2D graphics libraries

June 06, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 15:28:34 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:


Is there a reason you can't just make these fields public?

My bet is that OP actually wants to generate something like

void setStrokeWidth(uint value)
    if (value = strokeWidth) return;
    strokeWidth = value;
    // or maybe...
    // needRedraw = true;

that's a common pattern in 2D graphic libraries.

June 06, 2023
On 6/5/23 11:33 AM, Basile B. wrote:
> On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 15:13:43 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
>> On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
>>> How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable
>> although I did not spent time on the setter body... I suppose the question was more about the metprogramming technic, and that you don't want a pre-mashed solution ;)
> By the way...an other solution is to use [opDispatch](https://dlang.org/spec/operatoroverloading.html#dispatch):
> ```d
> class Color {}
> class Rectangle {
>      private Color fillColor;
>      private Color strokeColor;
>      private uint strokeWidth;
>      auto opDispatch(string member, T)(auto ref T t)
>      {
>               static if (member == "setStrokeWidth") {}
>          else static if (member == "setStrokeColor") {}
>          else static if (member == "setFillColor") {}
>          else static assert(0, "cannot set " ~ member);
>          return this;
>      }
> }
> void main()
> {
>      (new Rectangle)
>          .setStrokeWidth(0)
>          .setStrokeColor(null)
>          .setFillColor(null);
> }
> ```

Ugh, don't do it that way. Always give opDispatch a template constraint or it will suck to use.

Also, given the problem constraints, you can build the method automatically using the string.

auto opDispatch(string member, T)(auto ref T t) if(member.startsWith("set"))
   mixin(toLower(m[3]), m[4 .. $], " = t;");

June 06, 2023
On Tuesday, 6 June 2023 at 14:23:59 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On 6/5/23 11:33 AM, Basile B. wrote:
>> [...]
> Ugh, don't do it that way. Always give opDispatch a template constraint or it will suck to use.
> Also, given the problem constraints, you can build the method automatically using the string.
> ```d
> auto opDispatch(string member, T)(auto ref T t) if(member.startsWith("set"))
> {
>    mixin(toLower(m[3]), m[4 .. $], " = t;");
> }
> ```
> -Steve

yeah I know that opDispatch is disliked because it is tried in a SFINAE fashion, as citicized by Adam. But on the other side it's the best opover.
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