February 02
On Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 07:19:55PM +0000, ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> oops, it is: ``--fvisibility=hidden``

On Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 07:21:31PM +0000, ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Also this to optimize/trim your wasm files:
> ``wasm-opt -Oz -o bin/game.wasm``

Cool, thanks!  That got rid of a lot of symbol bloat.

Now I've started putting together a minimal druntime so that I don't have to compile with -betterC anymore.  Discovered that a good amount of bloat comes from RTTI in the way of the TypeInfo_Xxx classes, which I currently don't need.  Luckily, compiling with --fno-rtti allowed me to eliminate TypeInfo from my minimal druntime (currently I have them versioned out under version(RTTI), disabled by default) and keep the bloat to a minimum.

Next step is to implement a dumb bump-the-pointer allocator so that things like array concatenation would Just Work(tm). Well, provided you don't do it inside a loop. I'm not planning to write a GC for wasm just yet.

(Due to the possibility of passing references across the JS/wasm boundary, and the fact that wasm code can't examine JS references or even its own runtime stack, it may not actually be possible to implement a sound GC at all. But now that V8 officially supports WasmGC, it's just a matter of time before LLVM picks it up, then maybe I won't ever have to implement a GC. :-P  It's kinda silly anyway since the wasm/JS host already has a running GC; we just need a way of leveraging it from inside the wasm sandbox. No sense bloating the wasm executable with a full GC implementation when the host already has one!)

Anyway, all of this is making little steps toward the point where I could just take a random D program and compile it for wasm, and with my wasm JS shim and minimal druntime it should Just Work(tm).


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