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Representation length of integral types
Aug 04, 2015
Aug 04, 2015
Aug 04, 2015
Aug 04, 2015
Kai Nacke
August 04, 2015
There is a use case for me that I am given a string, and before even trying to convert it to integer, I want to check whether it is valid. One of the checks necessary for this is the length of string.

So, if I have received "156" and it should be converted to ubyte, I would check whether it is at most 3 bytes length.

While doing that someone would define that maximum length in the code, while length information is constant and never changes.

For this reason, however data types have properties like max, min, and init, I would ask for addition of new properties for integral (even for floating points as well) types as (Example values for ubyte):

max_hex_length = 2
max_dec_length = 3
max_bin_length = 8

August 04, 2015
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 04:10:33 UTC, tcak wrote:
> There is a use case for me that I am given a string, and before even trying to convert it to integer, I want to check whether it is valid. One of the checks necessary for this is the length of string.
> So, if I have received "156" and it should be converted to ubyte, I would check whether it is at most 3 bytes length.
> While doing that someone would define that maximum length in the code, while length information is constant and never changes.
> For this reason, however data types have properties like max, min, and init, I would ask for addition of new properties for integral (even for floating points as well) types as (Example values for ubyte):
> max_hex_length = 2
> max_dec_length = 3
> max_bin_length = 8

enum max_hex_length = T.sizeof * 2;
enum max_bin_length = T.sizeof * 8;
enum max_dec_length = cast(T)log10(T.sizeof) + 1;

August 04, 2015
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 04:10:33 UTC, tcak wrote:
> max_hex_length = 2
> max_dec_length = 3
> max_bin_length = 8

I think that there is no need to add such properties. They clearly belong into the application domain. min and max values are different because they depend on the internal representation of the number.

There should be no problem to use CTFE to calculate these values at compile time.

August 04, 2015
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 06:17:15 UTC, rumbu wrote:

> enum max_hex_length = T.sizeof * 2;
> enum max_bin_length = T.sizeof * 8;
> enum max_dec_length = cast(T)log10(T.sizeof) + 1;

enum max_dec_length = cast(T)log10(T.max) + 1;