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Last element of a forward range
Apr 12, 2014
Apr 12, 2014
Apr 12, 2014
April 12, 2014
If I have a range like this, how do you find its last item using Phobos?

A simple way is to use seq.array.back, but this wastes memory. Another simple way is to use a foreach loop keeping the last seen. But do you know if there is a function to do in Phobos? And if such function is not present (walkBack? backWalk?) is it a good idea to add it to Phobos?

void main() {
    import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

    int m = 75;
    auto seq = recurrence!q{ a[n - 1] + a[n - 2] }(1, 1)
               .until!(x => x > m)(;

    seq.array.back.writeln; // 89

    auto last = -1;
    foreach (immutable x; seq)
        last = x;

April 12, 2014
On Fri, 11 Apr 2014 21:05:26 -0400, bearophile <> wrote:

> If I have a range like this, how do you find its last item using Phobos?
> A simple way is to use seq.array.back, but this wastes memory. Another simple way is to use a foreach loop keeping the last seen. But do you know if there is a function to do in Phobos? And if such function is not present (walkBack? backWalk?) is it a good idea to add it to Phobos?

Interesting problem. Given that it is a forward range, a zip between it and a saved copy that is advanced by one may work.

April 12, 2014
Steven Schveighoffer:

> Interesting problem.

And it's not an academic one, I have already faced it two or three times :-)

> Given that it is a forward range, a zip between it and a saved copy that is advanced by one may work.

This compiles and gives the expected output, but how do you extract the last item with this?;

I have written I've added an ER to Phobos with some preliminary code:

April 12, 2014
On Saturday, 12 April 2014 at 10:27:00 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> Steven Schveighoffer:
>> Interesting problem.
> And it's not an academic one, I have already faced it two or three times :-)
>> Given that it is a forward range, a zip between it and a saved copy that is advanced by one may work.
> This compiles and gives the expected output, but how do you extract the last item with this?

For starters, you can't in the sense that writeln takes by value, and your zip has value semantics. So in fact, it is still unchanged. BTW: That UFCS "": Ew.

So you'd need to start with a:
auto z = zip(seq, seq.dropOne);
while (!z.empty)

That's step one. Step two would be actually extracting the remainaing range. In theory, you can't. In practice, you can hack around the implementation by:

Turns out "ranges" is not private. I wouldn't use this.

The second, is modifying the stopping policy on the fly:
zip.stoppingPolicy = StoppingPolicy.longest;
auto a = zip.front[1];

I think both are *very* hackish.
I'd do this:

auto bck =; seq.popFront();
while (!seq.empty)
auto last = bck.front;