August 16, 2001

C99 (and gnu for a while) implemented this using '='
not ':'.  I.e.

struct X { int a; int b; };

static X x = { a = 1, b = 2 };

I don't care for C99's use of the '.' before the
field name; D's syntax is much cleaner.



August 18, 2001
Matt Gessner wrote in message <>...
>C99 (and gnu for a while) implemented this using '='
>not ':'.  I.e.
>struct X { int a; int b; };
>static X x = { a = 1, b = 2 };
>I don't care for C99's use of the '.' before the
>field name; D's syntax is much cleaner.

I just liked the look of the : better.