October 20, 2001

there are some things I would like to discuss in the language...

* Disclaimer:  I didn't take my compiler class yet... I'm way less knowledgeable than some of the people in this newsgroup, I apologize if my comments are kinda dumb / unimplementable. *

Could bigint, bitgfloat be implemented directly in the language?
I would like to be able to work with very large number directly in a
basic type,
without resorting to using specialized math library to deal with big
numbers.  Maybe a pointer could be used internally to point to the
memory associated to the number, which can grow / shrink as needed.

Next think (I know this issue already been posted, but ...),
variable arguments in a function.  Multiple arguments are sometime a
necessity (printf and the like).  Saying that they are not used often
does not solve the problem for the few functions that need to be
implemented that way.  Perl deals quite nicely with the problem.  The
arguments of the function are placed in a single array ( @_ ).  You
might do the same thing in D, by using an array of pointers.  Then each
pointer in the array points to one argument.  Of course, in that case,
you must either allow the cast of each of these pointers, or make sure
the programmer is using the type he thinks he is using:

void print_int (pointer[] arg)
    int num_arg = arg.length;
    int *ptr;

    for(int index = 0; index < num_arg; index++)
        ptr = arg[index];        // Explicit reference to an int.  Check
assertion during devel compile mode,
                                     // drop it when compiling for
normal application use.

        printf("%d\n", *ptr);

Support for C malloc() and free()?  Getting rid of the need of these are
the principal reason I am attracked
by D.  I'm sick of tracking pointer bugs in my code!  But, like Walter
wrote, D won't cope well in real-time environnement if it runs a garbage
collector  at unexpected time (in a separated thread!) for unknown
amount of time.  It might even break some multimedia apps (games and the
like must run when they need to run).  Using only malloc() and free()
coud bypass entirely the garbage collector when your programming needs
command you to.  (Even in class through user-defined function that
mimics a destructor).  I don't entirely understand why you need to need
the garbage collector in a separate thread.  Doesn't it suffices to
'call' it during memory allocation (new etc) and after you return from a

That being said, I really think D will be a great language.  I believe
it has the potential to run at C-like speed. I think it could even be
used for kernel programming if one could bypass the garbage collector by
using only malloc's and free's and implementing dynamic array and
associaltive array with them, while still
enjoying the other features D have over C.

Good luck for the compiler!