Thread overview
Identity, equality -- a non-shallow discussion
Apr 14, 2005
Georg Wrede
Apr 14, 2005
Ben Hinkle
Apr 15, 2005
Georg Wrede
April 14, 2005
Matthew wrote:
> "Anders F Björklund" <> wrote:
>> Kris wrote:
>>> The topic is /not/ a campaign to change the language. I'll repeat
>>>  that: it is NOT a campaign, since it's been shown such causes,
>>> however well intentioned, and/or well supported, are naught but
>>> exercises in futility.
>> It does seem to be a campaign about preferring how '==' is done in
>>  Java? (even if doing it not by a language change, but switching
>> '==' for 'is')
> I don't think that's valid. Kris has pointed out a very disturbing
> design flaw in the syntax of the language, and has suggested _what he
> sees_ as the most pragmatic solution, based on his experience

> I happen to disagree with his solution, and favour a full and proper
> addressing of the flaw, but I agree with his main thesis nonetheless.


This is both urgent and important!

If we don't investigate this thoroughly, right now, we'll regret it for the rest of D's life.

(Which I hope will be gte 20 years!)

Also, we shouldn't restrict our thinking here to just "=== or not, == vs is" and such. We may end up with a proper solution that may have 1, or even more than 3 kinds of operators. -- But we don't know it yet.

So, at this point we should switch to a *proper study of the underlying issues* instead. Once that is _well_understood_, the solution will become apparent, automagically.


On second thought, we should *stop* thinking about "=== vs ==, == vs is" etc., right now.

Equality, identity, shallow, deep, type categories -- *these are the real issues* !

These have to be handled in a coherent (or at least in a clear and intuitive) manner in the language overall. And _this_ is what has to be rethought, from bottom up. (We may end up with something that's not too different from how it's right now -- but the point is: we have to _know_  and understand what we want, instead of things "just happening to be like they are now".

Browsing the genesis of our current equality/identity "system" gives an impression of short-sighted ahas combined with feelings based small choices here and there. None of which has looked at the big picture. Not a good receipe for the next Killer Language.

For this, we need our varied backgrounds -- as an immense resource of combined knowledge, not as a stumbling block of idle bickering.
April 14, 2005
> So, at this point we should switch to a *proper study of the underlying issues* instead. Once that is _well_understood_, the solution will become apparent, automagically.

I have lost track of the '=='/'is' thread that Kris started. Is there a link to the summary of the issue?

> Browsing the genesis of our current equality/identity "system" gives an impression of short-sighted ahas combined with feelings based small choices here and there. None of which has looked at the big picture. Not a good receipe for the next Killer Language.

Can you be more specific? How did you browse the genesis? Do you mean you looked through the archives? A summary of what you found would be helpful.

April 15, 2005
The article was <d3k3tl$2hmq$>.
(13 Apr 2005 22:23:58 GMT) digitalmars.D:21425

Ben Hinkle wrote:
>>So, at this point we should switch to a *proper study of the underlying issues* instead. Once that is _well_understood_, the solution will become apparent, automagically.
> I have lost track of the '=='/'is' thread that Kris started. Is there a link to the summary of the issue?
> [snip]
>>Browsing the genesis of our current equality/identity "system" gives an impression of short-sighted ahas combined with feelings based small choices here and there. None of which has looked at the big picture. Not a good receipe for the next Killer Language.
> Can you be more specific? How did you browse the genesis? Do you mean you looked through the archives? A summary of what you found would be helpful.

Unfortunately, I was at a foreign computer, so I can't check from the history which posts I looked at, and which were relevant.

(Right now I'd, suggest starting with:

if not better, they're at least a start.)

But, I also was around at that time, so part of my "impression of short-sighted..." comes from having been there at the time.

One day, I will download all old messages, and really make a study of old topics. There may exist some golden insights, just waiting to be discovered.

OTOH, someone with more time at hand, possibly not self confident with D programming himself, might want to do this properly. That would include cross referencing (ala Ctags), some statistics, and other stuff that helps one navigate and efficiently mine the text base.