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[phobos] pushing a pull request
Apr 06, 2011
Jonathan M Davis
April 06, 2011

I have my own branch of phobos and would like to merge it with the phobos trunk proper.

How do I do this? Do I need a separate tree for phobos apart from my own branch of it, or can I just get away with one tree?



P.S. Here is my .git/config:

         repositoryformatversion = 0
         filemode = true
         bare = false
         logallrefupdates = true
         ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
         url = git at
[branch "master"]
         remote = origin
         merge = refs/heads/master
[branch "work"]
         remote = origin
         merge = refs/heads/work
[remote "mothership"]
         url = git at
         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/mothership/*
April 05, 2011
> Hello,
> I have my own branch of phobos and would like to merge it with the phobos trunk proper.
> How do I do this? Do I need a separate tree for phobos apart from my own branch of it, or can I just get away with one tree?
> Thanks,
> Andrei
> P.S. Here is my .git/config:
> [core]
>          repositoryformatversion = 0
>          filemode = true
>          bare = false
>          logallrefupdates = true
>          ignorecase = true
> [remote "origin"]
>          fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>          url = git at
> [branch "master"]
>          remote = origin
>          merge = refs/heads/master
> [branch "work"]
>          remote = origin
>          merge = refs/heads/work
> [remote "mothership"]
>          url = git at
>          fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/mothership/*

From the looks of it, mothership is the main repository (github suggests upstream as the name - but that's not all that important). So, if you run

git-pull mothership master

it will fetch and merge in the latest trunk/master from the main repository into your current branch. If you run

git-push mothership master

it will push the changes into the main repository's master branch from your current branch. I'm not quite sure what happens if there's a merge conflict in this case though. Presumably, have to resolve it before it'll let you push, but I'm not sure how that differs from dealing with conflicts when pulling.

Personally, I always keep my master branch in line with the main repository's master branch. That way, it's easy to build the current version of Phobos which is in the main repository, and when I push it to the main repository, I don't have to worry about merge conflicts. Also, all of the merge conflicts that I have to deal with are local to my box, since I'm only ever merging branches on my own box, pulling to a clean branch, or pushing a branch which has already been merged.

- Jonathan M Davis
April 06, 2011
On 04/06/2011 01:29 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>  From the looks of it, mothership is the main repository (github suggests
> upstream as the name - but that's not all that important). So, if you run
> git-pull mothership master

Yup, that worked. Thanks!
