February 06, 2011
Earlier today I made my first pull request for dmd with my patch for supporting tail-const objects using the const(Object)ref syntax. I assume Walter got an automated email for that, but given this patch is much more than just a bug fix I'd also appreciate comments from other people, on how well it works for instance.

You can find the pull request here: <https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/3>

Or just fetch and compile the const-object-ref branch of my dmd repository: <https://github.com/michelf/dmd/tree/const-object-ref>

For reference, here's the earlier enhancement request with an older patch attached: <http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5325>

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com