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Nesting oddity
May 07, 2002
Patrick Down
May 07, 2002
Patrick Down
May 08, 2002
May 07, 2002
I've compiled and run the following program in D.
It prints: Result = 14

class Foo
  private int Fred()
    return 14;

  class Bar // 1
    int Barney()
      return Fred(); // 2

int main(char[][] args)
  Foo.Bar obj = new Foo.Bar(); // 3

  printf("Result = %d\n",obj.Barney());

  return 0;


Now this is a little weard because it expected one of three compiler errors:

1. Can't nest classes
2. The C++ way: nested classes are just a way of scoping
names. Function Fred is undefined in Barney.
Nested classes in C++ always seemed a little pointless
to me.
3. The Java way: Nested classes are inner classes.
You can't create a Foo.Bar with having a Foo first or
Bar needs to be static.  I like Java's inner classes.

May 07, 2002
Patrick Down <> wrote in news:Xns9207B094D64E1patcodemooncom@

> 2. The C++ way: nested classes are just a way of scoping names.

Sorry I ment to say that outer class is just a namespace for the inner one.

May 08, 2002
I think you found a compiler bug. -Walter

"Patrick Down" <> wrote in message news:Xns9207B1C2F6F86patcodemooncom@
> Patrick Down <> wrote in news:Xns9207B094D64E1patcodemooncom@
> > 2. The C++ way: nested classes are just a way of scoping names.
> Sorry I ment to say that outer class is just a namespace for the inner one.