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repost: semantics of the keyword lazy
Oct 12, 2006
Karen Lanrap
Oct 12, 2006
Derek Parnell
Oct 12, 2006
Hasan Aljudy
Oct 12, 2006
Derek Parnell
Oct 12, 2006
Karen Lanrap
Oct 12, 2006
Ivan Senji
Oct 13, 2006
Karen Lanrap
October 12, 2006
I have posted the following in the learn-group without any answers:

From the documentation:

Lazy arguments are evaluated not when the function is called, but when the parameter is evaluated within the function.

First to note, that this is a circular definition without any fixed
point to start from:
a lazy argument is evaluated, when it is evaluated :-(

Maybe Walter meant something like this:
With the exception of lazy parameters all actual parameters are
passed evaluated to the function they belong to.

But this does not help for lazy parameters: when the hell are they evaluated?

"Within the function" Walters says. But what does this mean if the calling function is recursive or combined with parameters that are not lazy evaluated? Example:

int ack( lazy bool b, int x, lazy int y){
    if( x == 0 )
        if( b) return y+1;
        if( y == 0)
            return ack( b, x-1, 1);
            return ack( b, x-1, ack( b, x, y-1));

If Walter wanted to express, that lazy parameters must be evaluated in the calling function, then I understand, but I doubt, that this concept is that useful.

If on the other hand lazy parameters can be passed down through function hierarchies one should be able to protect them from accidental evaluation until they reach the target point of their evaluation, i.e. something like

      if( unlazy b) return y+1;

should be possible and

      ack( x, b, y-1)

should show up as an error because the target is not notified as

      ack( x, unlazy b, y-1)
October 12, 2006
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 03:08:07 +0000 (UTC), Karen Lanrap wrote:

> I have posted the following in the learn-group without any answers:
> From the documentation:
> Lazy arguments are evaluated not when the function is called, but when the parameter is evaluated within the function.
> First to note, that this is a circular definition without any fixed
> point to start from:
> a lazy argument is evaluated, when it is evaluated :-(

I have not read that way at all. To me this is not a circular definition.

Non-lazy arguments are evaluated by the code that initiates the call to the function. Lazy ones are evaluated by code that lies inside the function; that is they are evaluated after the function is called, by your code in the function.

> Maybe Walter meant something like this:
> With the exception of lazy parameters all actual parameters are
> passed evaluated to the function they belong to.

That is exactly what he meant and said.

> But this does not help for lazy parameters: when the hell are they evaluated?

Whenever the called function decides to do it, if at all. To evaluate a lazy argument, the function must explicitly call the delegate (which the lazy argument represents).

> "Within the function" Walters says. But what does this mean if the calling function is recursive or combined with parameters that are not lazy evaluated? Example:
> int ack( lazy bool b, int x, lazy int y){
>     if( x == 0 )
>         if( b) return y+1;
>     else
>         if( y == 0)
>             return ack( b, x-1, 1);
>         else
>             return ack( b, x-1, ack( b, x, y-1));
> }
> If Walter wanted to express, that lazy parameters must be evaluated in the calling function, then I understand, but I doubt, that this concept is that useful.

But that is exactly what they are. It just means that the function
evaluates them by treating them as delegates and calling them, using the
result as the evaluated value.

> If on the other hand lazy parameters can be passed down through function hierarchies one should be able to protect them from accidental evaluation until they reach the target point of their evaluation

'accidental'? They are passed down as delegates and only evaluated if explicitly called. No accident.

(skype: derek.j.parnell)
Melbourne, Australia
"Down with mediocrity!"
12/10/2006 1:49:14 PM
October 12, 2006
I was wondering what would happen if you call the lazy "delegate" multiple times. will the result be cached or will the delegate/function be called multiple times?
October 12, 2006
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 22:56:59 -0600, Hasan Aljudy wrote:

> I was wondering what would happen if you call the lazy "delegate" multiple times. will the result be cached or will the delegate/function be called multiple times?

It is called each time and the values are not cached.

(skype: derek.j.parnell)
Melbourne, Australia
"Down with mediocrity!"
12/10/2006 5:05:00 PM
October 12, 2006
Karen Lanrap wrote:
> I have posted the following in the learn-group without any answers:
> From the documentation:
> Lazy arguments are evaluated not when the function is called, but when the parameter is evaluated within the function.
> First to note, that this is a circular definition without any fixed point to start from:
> a lazy argument is evaluated, when it is evaluated :-(

This is not a circular definition.
import std.stdio;

void func(lazy int x) // x is a parameter
  writefln(x()); //parameter evaluated here
  writefln(x()); //and once again here

void main()
  int x;
  func({return x++;}());

  //{return x++;}() is and argument and it is not called here

The thing is: argument and parameter are not one and the same and that makes the definition not circular.
October 12, 2006
Derek Parnell wrote:

> Whenever the called function decides to do it, if at all.

Hopefully the programmer has full control over what the called function decides :-(

Another try:

The evaluation of actual parameters can be delayed to any level in the call hierarchy.

If the evaluation of an actual parameter has to be delayed by at least one level, then the type of the formal parameter has to be prefixed by the keyword 'lazy'.

If in a called function 'foo' a formal lazy parameter is passed to another called function 'bar' as a reference, i.e. without appended parentheses, on a position where a lazy parameter is expected, then the actual parameter is not evaluated in 'foo'. In all other cases of reached usage the actual parameter is evaluated.

int ack( lazy int x, lazy int y){
    // ...
        return ack( x-1, ack( x, y-1));
    // this actual parameter  ^
    // is not evaluated, but passed down only

    // wheras
        return ack( x-1, ack( x(), y-1));
    // this actual parameter    ^
    // _is_ evaluated and then passed down

Did I get that correctly?
October 13, 2006
Ivan Senji wrote:

> The thing is: argument and parameter are not one and the same and that makes the definition not circular.

If it is not circular, then without using a self reference one should be able to explain where the point of evaluation is. But i do not see such an explanation.

If you are right, that arguemnt and parameter are always not the same, then this would mean, that the compiler has to construct a delegate even then, when the argument is a delegate already. But then a lazy evaluation of the ackermann-function for example would mean, that the compiler has to construct a delegate---which's length is approximately the length of the number to be output.