May 09, 2002
I discovered D only 3 days ago and I liked it very much.
So I downloaded the compiler and tried to write some code.

Anyway the sintax for function pointers similar to the C's one:

import c.stdio;

void function(int a, float b)
    printf("%i %f" \n, a, b);

int main(char[][] args)
    void (* ptr)(int, float); // bleah!
    ptr = & function;
    ptr(1, 2.0);
    return 0;

This looks very complicated and should be changed. According to me, the following is better:

int main(char[][] args)
    void(int, float) ref = function;
    ref(1, 2.0);
    return 0;

This helps very much the understanding of the code, I think.
Also multiple function references could be written in just a line:

void(int, float) a, b, c;

Thanks for your attention.

May 09, 2002
"Dario" <> wrote in message news:abdq9k$4c3$

> void(int, float) a, b, c;

It was suggested by several people already (including me). But Walter
says, it's not so important to touch, for now... =)

But at least delegates follow this syntax:

    void delegate(int, float) a, b, c;