May 27, 2002
Has anyone already made an import library for GLU?  Pavel's for OpenGL32 works, but is missing GLU symbols.

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _gluErrorString@4
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _gluBuild2DMipmaps@28

I'm having a bitch of a time interfacing to OpenGL but it's mainly because there's no full windows.d and that I don't know how to build a new import library (and it's 3:30 am so I'll wait to find out how til tomorrow)


May 27, 2002
Pavel suggested to me to use SDL, which he has ported.  If you find/create anything for glu, let me know... I'd be good to have some D openGL demos, and when I get some time (after exams and assignments) i'll give that a shot.

"Sean L. Palmer" <> wrote in message news:act1kf$2nn8$
> Has anyone already made an import library for GLU?  Pavel's for OpenGL32 works, but is missing GLU symbols.
> testgl.obj(testgl)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _gluErrorString@4
> testgl.obj(testgl)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _gluBuild2DMipmaps@28
> I'm having a bitch of a time interfacing to OpenGL but it's mainly because there's no full windows.d and that I don't know how to build a new import library (and it's 3:30 am so I'll wait to find out how til tomorrow)
> Sean