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i cannot compile
Aug 19, 2002
Aug 19, 2002
Aug 19, 2002
Aug 19, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 19, 2002
Aug 19, 2002
Cesar Rabak
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Cesar Rabak
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Jan Knepper
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Jan Knepper
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Aug 20, 2002
Cesar Rabak
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Jan Knepper
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Jan Knepper
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Jan Knepper
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Jan Knepper
Aug 21, 2002
Aug 21, 2002
Jan Knepper
August 19, 2002
i can not compile,  it show below error

C:\cpp>sc hello.cpp
Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iostream'
--- errorlevel 1


#include <iostream>

int main()
 std::cout <<  "hello,world !" << std::endl ;
 return 0;

August 19, 2002
Try adding the switch:


Further instructions are in the file:


"wong" <flwong@eads.com.my> wrote in message news:ajpjtl$2g0b$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> i can not compile,  it show below error
> C:\cpp>sc hello.cpp
> Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iostream'
> --- errorlevel 1
> hello.cpp
> #include <iostream>
> int main()
> {
>  std::cout <<  "hello,world !" << std::endl ;
>  return 0;
> }

August 19, 2002

i can compile hello.cpp now..
but the s3.cpp it show ..

C:\dm\include>dir io*.h
 Volume in drive C is DISK1PART01
 Volume Serial Number is 26D1-2532

 Directory of C:\dm\include

03/17/2001  12:15a               3,946 IO.H
01/02/1997  07:16a               4,952 IOMANIP.H
03/17/2001  12:15a                 141 IOS.H
01/02/1997  07:16a              25,218 IOSTREAM.H
               4 File(s)         34,257 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  68,322,164,736 bytes free

C:\dm\bin>sc s3.cpp
Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iomanip'
--- errorlevel 1

C:\dm\bin>sc s3.cpp -I\dm\stlport
Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iomanip'
--- errorlevel 1

#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using std::cin; using std::sort;
using std::cout; using std::streamsize;
using std::endl; using std::string;
using std::precision; using std::vector;
using std::setprecision;

int main()
    cout << " please enter your first name: " ;
    string name ;
    cin >> name ;
    cout << "hello, " << name << " !" << endl;
    cout <<  "please enter your midterm and final exam grades: ";
    double midterm, final ;
    cin >> midterm >> final;

    cout << " enter all your homework grades, "
            " followed by end-of-file: ";
    vector<double> homework ;
    double x ;
    while (cin >> x )

              typedef vector<double>::size_type vic_sz;
              vec_sz size = homework.size();
              if (size == 0) {
                  cout << endl << " You must enter your grades. "
                                    "please try again. " <<endl;
                  return 1;

               sort(homework.begin(), homework.end());

               vec_sz mid= size/2;
               double median;
               median = (size % 2 = 0) ? (homework[mid] + homework[mid-1]_
                             : median= homework[mid];
               streamsize prec = cout.precision();
               cout << "Your final grade is " << setprecision(30
               << 0.2 * midterm + 0.4 * final + 0.4 * median
               << setprecision(prec) << endl;
    return 0;


"Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:ajpmet$2igs$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> Try adding the switch:
>     -I\dm\stlport
> Further instructions are in the file:
>     \dm\stlport\readme.txt
> "wong" <flwong@eads.com.my> wrote in message news:ajpjtl$2g0b$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > i can not compile,  it show below error
> >
> > C:\cpp>sc hello.cpp
> > Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iostream'
> > --- errorlevel 1
> >
> >
> > hello.cpp
> >
> > #include <iostream>
> >
> > int main()
> > {
> >  std::cout <<  "hello,world !" << std::endl ;
> >  return 0;
> > }
> >
> >
> >

August 19, 2002
i test with my other hello2.cpp i still cannot compile

C:\dm\bin>sc hello2.cpp -I\dm\stlport
Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iostream'
--- errorlevel 1

my hello2.cpp
#include <iostream>

int main()
 std::cout <<  "hello,world !" << std::endl ;
 return 0;



"Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:ajpmet$2igs$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> Try adding the switch:
>     -I\dm\stlport
> Further instructions are in the file:
>     \dm\stlport\readme.txt
> "wong" <flwong@eads.com.my> wrote in message news:ajpjtl$2g0b$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > i can not compile,  it show below error
> >
> > C:\cpp>sc hello.cpp
> > Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iostream'
> > --- errorlevel 1
> >
> >
> > hello.cpp
> >
> > #include <iostream>
> >
> > int main()
> > {
> >  std::cout <<  "hello,world !" << std::endl ;
> >  return 0;
> > }
> >
> >
> >

August 19, 2002
Walter wrote:
> Try adding the switch:
>     -I\dm\stlport
> Further instructions are in the file:
>     \dm\stlport\readme.txt


Although this may look like trying to teach the priest to pray, I'm afraid the right advice is to add "-I\dm\stlport\stlport".

BTW, I take profit of the observation to try to grasp the reason for it: it has to be more than an occasional typo as the directory structure _and_ the \dm\stlport\readme.txt file are in sync with this!

Can you or Christof, perhaps, fulfill this curiosity of mine¹?
Cesar Rabak
GNU/Linux User 52247.
Get counted: http://counter.li.org/

[1] I hope that the crowd of the other two persons interested also get delighted ;-D
August 19, 2002
Sorry, I goofed. The files you are looking for are in \dm\stlport\stlport,
so you need to add the switch
to the compile.

"wong" <flwong@eads.com.my> wrote in message news:ajpo8j$2kal$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> thanks
> i can compile hello.cpp now..
> but the s3.cpp it show ..
> C:\dm\include>dir io*.h
>  Volume in drive C is DISK1PART01
>  Volume Serial Number is 26D1-2532
>  Directory of C:\dm\include
> 03/17/2001  12:15a               3,946 IO.H
> 01/02/1997  07:16a               4,952 IOMANIP.H
> 03/17/2001  12:15a                 141 IOS.H
> 01/02/1997  07:16a              25,218 IOSTREAM.H
>                4 File(s)         34,257 bytes
>                0 Dir(s)  68,322,164,736 bytes free
> C:\dm\bin>sc s3.cpp
> Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iomanip'
> --- errorlevel 1
> C:\dm\bin>sc s3.cpp -I\dm\stlport
> Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iomanip'
> --- errorlevel 1
> #include <algorithm>
> #include <iomanip>
> #include <ios>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <string>
> #include <vector>
> using std::cin; using std::sort;
> using std::cout; using std::streamsize;
> using std::endl; using std::string;
> using std::precision; using std::vector;
> using std::setprecision;
> int main()
> {
>     cout << " please enter your first name: " ;
>     string name ;
>     cin >> name ;
>     cout << "hello, " << name << " !" << endl;
>     cout <<  "please enter your midterm and final exam grades: ";
>     double midterm, final ;
>     cin >> midterm >> final;
>     cout << " enter all your homework grades, "
>             " followed by end-of-file: ";
>     vector<double> homework ;
>     double x ;
>     while (cin >> x )
>                homework.push_back(x)
>               typedef vector<double>::size_type vic_sz;
>               vec_sz size = homework.size();
>               if (size == 0) {
>                   cout << endl << " You must enter your grades. "
>                                     "please try again. " <<endl;
>                   return 1;
>                }
>                sort(homework.begin(), homework.end());
>                vec_sz mid= size/2;
>                double median;
>                median = (size % 2 = 0) ? (homework[mid] + homework[mid-1]_
> /2
>                              : median= homework[mid];
>                streamsize prec = cout.precision();
>                cout << "Your final grade is " << setprecision(30
>                << 0.2 * midterm + 0.4 * final + 0.4 * median
>                << setprecision(prec) << endl;
>     return 0;
> }
> "Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:ajpmet$2igs$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > Try adding the switch:
> >
> >     -I\dm\stlport
> >
> > Further instructions are in the file:
> >
> >     \dm\stlport\readme.txt
> >
> > "wong" <flwong@eads.com.my> wrote in message news:ajpjtl$2g0b$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > > i can not compile,  it show below error
> > >
> > > C:\cpp>sc hello.cpp
> > > Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iostream'
> > > --- errorlevel 1
> > >
> > >
> > > hello.cpp
> > >
> > > #include <iostream>
> > >
> > > int main()
> > > {
> > >  std::cout <<  "hello,world !" << std::endl ;
> > >  return 0;
> > > }
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

August 20, 2002
"Cesar Rabak" <csrabak@uol.com.br> wrote in message news:3D6116D4.122F2B99@uol.com.br...
> Although this may look like trying to teach the priest to pray, I'm afraid the right advice is to add "-I\dm\stlport\stlport".

Yeah, you're right. My oops.

> BTW, I take profit of the observation to try to grasp the reason for it:
> it has to be more than an occasional typo as the directory structure
> _and_ the \dm\stlport\readme.txt file are in sync with this!
> Can you or Christof, perhaps, fulfill this curiosity of mine¹?

Sheer stupidity? <g> Don't blame Christof, I wrote that file.

August 20, 2002
Walter wrote:
> "Cesar Rabak" <csrabak@uol.com.br> wrote in message news:3D6116D4.122F2B99@uol.com.br...
> > Although this may look like trying to teach the priest to pray, I'm afraid the right advice is to add "-I\dm\stlport\stlport".
> Yeah, you're right. My oops.
> > BTW, I take profit of the observation to try to grasp the reason for it:
> > it has to be more than an occasional typo as the directory structure
> > _and_ the \dm\stlport\readme.txt file are in sync with this!
> > Can you or Christof, perhaps, fulfill this curiosity of mine¹?
> Sheer stupidity? <g> Don't blame Christof, I wrote that file.

You're being too tough on yourself! I would then try to point to over the hours intellectual exhaustion (at least it sounds better isn't it? ;-)


Cesar Rabak
GNU/Linux User 52247.
Get counted: http://counter.li.org/
August 20, 2002
still the same erorr message

there is not stlport folder . only c:\dm\stl
but -I\dm\stl  also not let me compile

"Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:ajr6os$1bs4$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> Sorry, I goofed. The files you are looking for are in \dm\stlport\stlport,
> so you need to add the switch
>     -I\dm\stlport\stlport
> to the compile.
> "wong" <flwong@eads.com.my> wrote in message news:ajpo8j$2kal$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > thanks
> >
> > i can compile hello.cpp now..
> > but the s3.cpp it show ..
> >
> > C:\dm\include>dir io*.h
> >  Volume in drive C is DISK1PART01
> >  Volume Serial Number is 26D1-2532
> >
> >  Directory of C:\dm\include
> >
> > 03/17/2001  12:15a               3,946 IO.H
> > 01/02/1997  07:16a               4,952 IOMANIP.H
> > 03/17/2001  12:15a                 141 IOS.H
> > 01/02/1997  07:16a              25,218 IOSTREAM.H
> >                4 File(s)         34,257 bytes
> >                0 Dir(s)  68,322,164,736 bytes free
> >
> >
> > C:\dm\bin>sc s3.cpp
> > Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iomanip'
> > --- errorlevel 1
> >
> > C:\dm\bin>sc s3.cpp -I\dm\stlport
> > Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iomanip'
> > --- errorlevel 1
> >
> >
> > #include <algorithm>
> > #include <iomanip>
> > #include <ios>
> > #include <iostream>
> > #include <string>
> > #include <vector>
> >
> > using std::cin; using std::sort;
> > using std::cout; using std::streamsize;
> > using std::endl; using std::string;
> > using std::precision; using std::vector;
> > using std::setprecision;
> >
> > int main()
> > {
> >     cout << " please enter your first name: " ;
> >     string name ;
> >     cin >> name ;
> >     cout << "hello, " << name << " !" << endl;
> >     cout <<  "please enter your midterm and final exam grades: ";
> >     double midterm, final ;
> >     cin >> midterm >> final;
> >
> >     cout << " enter all your homework grades, "
> >             " followed by end-of-file: ";
> >     vector<double> homework ;
> >     double x ;
> >     while (cin >> x )
> >
> >                homework.push_back(x)
> >               typedef vector<double>::size_type vic_sz;
> >               vec_sz size = homework.size();
> >               if (size == 0) {
> >                   cout << endl << " You must enter your grades. "
> >                                     "please try again. " <<endl;
> >                   return 1;
> >                }
> >
> >                sort(homework.begin(), homework.end());
> >
> >                vec_sz mid= size/2;
> >                double median;
> >                median = (size % 2 = 0) ? (homework[mid] +
> > /2
> >                              : median= homework[mid];
> >                streamsize prec = cout.precision();
> >                cout << "Your final grade is " << setprecision(30
> >                << 0.2 * midterm + 0.4 * final + 0.4 * median
> >                << setprecision(prec) << endl;
> >     return 0;
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:ajpmet$2igs$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > > Try adding the switch:
> > >
> > >     -I\dm\stlport
> > >
> > > Further instructions are in the file:
> > >
> > >     \dm\stlport\readme.txt
> > >
> > > "wong" <flwong@eads.com.my> wrote in message news:ajpjtl$2g0b$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > > > i can not compile,  it show below error
> > > >
> > > > C:\cpp>sc hello.cpp
> > > > Fatal error: unable to open input file 'iostream'
> > > > --- errorlevel 1
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > hello.cpp
> > > >
> > > > #include <iostream>
> > > >
> > > > int main()
> > > > {
> > > >  std::cout <<  "hello,world !" << std::endl ;
> > > >  return 0;
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

August 20, 2002
"Cesar Rabak" <csrabak@uol.com.br> wrote in message news:3D61998F.AC8A504A@uol.com.br...
> > Sheer stupidity? <g> Don't blame Christof, I wrote that file.
> You're being too tough on yourself! I would then try to point to over the hours intellectual exhaustion (at least it sounds better isn't it? ;-)

I have uploaded a fixed version of the file now. STLport is pretty complicated, and doesn't need bugs in the readme to make things even more confusing. Thanks for pointing out the error so it could get fixed.

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