September 21, 2002
I know that I've asked in here before, but what would be involved with making D spit out IL?  I know there's a project to integrate D with gcc, but what would it take to integrate D with .NET?  Despite the flak that Microsoft gets, I absolutely love Visual Studio.  For me, it is a very nice IDE.  I'd love to be able to have all the features of VS (syntax highlighting, ability to peruse object hierarchies, &c.) that such a project would afford.


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September 21, 2002
"Syd Barrett" <> wrote in message news:amgho3$69h$
> I know that I've asked in here before, but what would be involved with making D spit out IL?  I know there's a project to integrate D with gcc,
> what would it take to integrate D with .NET?  Despite the flak that Microsoft gets, I absolutely love Visual Studio.  For me, it is a very
> IDE.  I'd love to be able to have all the features of VS (syntax highlighting, ability to peruse object hierarchies, &c.) that such a
> would afford.

I don't think it would be too hard if you chopped out features like inline assembly and extended types.