Thread overview
smake question
Mar 20, 2003
Jim Jennings
Mar 20, 2003
Nic Tiger
Mar 20, 2003
Jim Jennings
Mar 20, 2003
Matthew Wilson
Mar 20, 2003
Mar 20, 2003
Jim Jennings
Mar 20, 2003
Matthew Wilson
Mar 20, 2003
Mar 21, 2003
Matthew Wilson
March 20, 2003
I am grass green on makefiles and am trying my first one.

With the lines below from the makefile, I have tried:
smake /Fmakefile cleanall
which works, but
smake /Fmakefile clean
does not. It will clean out ALLOBJS, but not ALLBIN.

 I have read all 26 pages of the "Managing Code with SMAKE" html file, and
cannot find an answer. (It may be there, but I do not see it.)
How do I get smake to work on two macros at the same time as I am trying to
do with "clean"? Or is it not possible?
Obviously, I could use "cleanall", or enter both cleanobjs and cleanbin on
the command line. Having spent a inordinate amount of time on this problem,
however, I am curious.

ALLOBJS = cross.obj crosstest.obj swap.obj string1.obj argv.
ALLBIN: = cross.exe swap.exe string1.exe argv.execharset.exe hello.exe

         -del *.obj
         -del *.exe
         -del *.obj *.exe

         -del $(ALLOBJS)
         -del $(ALLBIN)

Jim J.

March 20, 2003
I guess there is extra ':' in your 2nd line.
Anyway the following works as expected:

ALLOBJS = cross.obj crosstest.obj swap.obj string1.obj argv.
ALLBIN = cross.exe swap.exe string1.exe argv.execharset.exe hello.exe

         del *.obj
         del *.exe
         echo cleanall
         del *.obj *.exe

         echo clean
         del $(ALLOBJS)
         del $(ALLBIN)
With command line "smake -f test.mak cleanall" it cleans files and prints
With command line "smake -f test.mak clean" it cleans files and prints

Nic Tiger.

"Jim Jennings" <> ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌ/ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌÁ × ÎÏ×ÏÓÔÑÈ ÓÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÅ: news:b5bd13$oer$
> I am grass green on makefiles and am trying my first one.
> With the lines below from the makefile, I have tried:
> smake /Fmakefile cleanall
> which works, but
> smake /Fmakefile clean
> does not. It will clean out ALLOBJS, but not ALLBIN.
>  I have read all 26 pages of the "Managing Code with SMAKE" html file, and
> cannot find an answer. (It may be there, but I do not see it.)
> How do I get smake to work on two macros at the same time as I am trying
> do with "clean"? Or is it not possible?
> Obviously, I could use "cleanall", or enter both cleanobjs and cleanbin on
> the command line. Having spent a inordinate amount of time on this
> however, I am curious.
> ALLOBJS = cross.obj crosstest.obj swap.obj string1.obj argv.
> ALLBIN: = cross.exe swap.exe string1.exe argv.execharset.exe hello.exe
> cleanobjs:
>          -del *.obj
> cleanbin:
>          -del *.exe
> cleanall:
>          -del *.obj *.exe
> clean:
>          -del $(ALLOBJS)
>          -del $(ALLBIN)
> Jim J.

March 20, 2003
Never mind. I found the offending colon.

"Jim Jennings" <> wrote in message news:b5bd13$oer$
> I am grass green on makefiles and am trying my first one.
> With the lines below from the makefile, I have tried:
> smake /Fmakefile cleanall
> which works, but
> smake /Fmakefile clean
> does not. It will clean out ALLOBJS, but not ALLBIN.
>  I have read all 26 pages of the "Managing Code with SMAKE" html file, and
> cannot find an answer. (It may be there, but I do not see it.)
> How do I get smake to work on two macros at the same time as I am trying
> do with "clean"? Or is it not possible?
> Obviously, I could use "cleanall", or enter both cleanobjs and cleanbin on
> the command line. Having spent a inordinate amount of time on this
> however, I am curious.
> ALLOBJS = cross.obj crosstest.obj swap.obj string1.obj argv.
> ALLBIN: = cross.exe swap.exe string1.exe argv.execharset.exe hello.exe
> cleanobjs:
>          -del *.obj
> cleanbin:
>          -del *.exe
> cleanall:
>          -del *.obj *.exe
> clean:
>          -del $(ALLOBJS)
>          -del $(ALLBIN)
> Jim J.

March 20, 2003
Have you got Oram & Talbott's "Projects with make" (O'Reilly)? It's old but really good for doing makefiles.

"Jim Jennings" <> wrote in message news:b5bd13$oer$
> I am grass green on makefiles and am trying my first one.
> With the lines below from the makefile, I have tried:
> smake /Fmakefile cleanall
> which works, but
> smake /Fmakefile clean
> does not. It will clean out ALLOBJS, but not ALLBIN.
>  I have read all 26 pages of the "Managing Code with SMAKE" html file, and
> cannot find an answer. (It may be there, but I do not see it.)
> How do I get smake to work on two macros at the same time as I am trying
> do with "clean"? Or is it not possible?
> Obviously, I could use "cleanall", or enter both cleanobjs and cleanbin on
> the command line. Having spent a inordinate amount of time on this
> however, I am curious.
> ALLOBJS = cross.obj crosstest.obj swap.obj string1.obj argv.
> ALLBIN: = cross.exe swap.exe string1.exe argv.execharset.exe hello.exe
> cleanobjs:
>          -del *.obj
> cleanbin:
>          -del *.exe
> cleanall:
>          -del *.obj *.exe
> clean:
>          -del $(ALLOBJS)
>          -del $(ALLBIN)
> Jim J.

March 20, 2003
Remove the : after the ALLBIN.

"Jim Jennings" <> wrote in message news:b5bd13$oer$
> I am grass green on makefiles and am trying my first one.
> With the lines below from the makefile, I have tried:
> smake /Fmakefile cleanall
> which works, but
> smake /Fmakefile clean
> does not. It will clean out ALLOBJS, but not ALLBIN.
>  I have read all 26 pages of the "Managing Code with SMAKE" html file, and
> cannot find an answer. (It may be there, but I do not see it.)
> How do I get smake to work on two macros at the same time as I am trying
> do with "clean"? Or is it not possible?
> Obviously, I could use "cleanall", or enter both cleanobjs and cleanbin on
> the command line. Having spent a inordinate amount of time on this
> however, I am curious.
> ALLOBJS = cross.obj crosstest.obj swap.obj string1.obj argv.
> ALLBIN: = cross.exe swap.exe string1.exe argv.execharset.exe hello.exe
> cleanobjs:
>          -del *.obj
> cleanbin:
>          -del *.exe
> cleanall:
>          -del *.obj *.exe
> clean:
>          -del $(ALLOBJS)
>          -del $(ALLBIN)
> Jim J.

March 20, 2003
Wow, you all are sure on the ball. Two answers in less than an hour, and
three in two hours.
The way I finally found the error was by trying "smake /Fmakefile" and it
said it couldn't make =.
Yes, I have the Oram & Talbott make book. I have just begun reading it. It
is based on UNIX, so I have only referred to it occasionally until now. But
I will go into it in depth immediately. I am doing a lot of small exercises,
where I compile a group of programs over and over. A makefile sure helps, I
have discovered. And dmc is the fastest compiler that I have seen -- by far.
It is great!
Thank you all very much, I had spent hours on that bug.
Jim J

"Jim Jennings" <> wrote in message news:b5bd13$oer$
> I am grass green on makefiles and am trying my first one.
> With the lines below from the makefile, I have tried:
> smake /Fmakefile cleanall
> which works, but
> smake /Fmakefile clean
> does not. It will clean out ALLOBJS, but not ALLBIN.

March 20, 2003

You're more than welcome. :)

I've had occasion this week to use DM's make for the first time, and there are a number of differences with the one I've previously favoured (Borland's).

Walter, is it possible to create a separate newsgroup - make ? - so that all the make information can be centralised?


"Jim Jennings" <> wrote in message news:b5cshc$1po9$
> Wow, you all are sure on the ball. Two answers in less than an hour, and
> three in two hours.
> The way I finally found the error was by trying "smake /Fmakefile" and it
> said it couldn't make =.
> Yes, I have the Oram & Talbott make book. I have just begun reading it. It
> is based on UNIX, so I have only referred to it occasionally until now.
> I will go into it in depth immediately. I am doing a lot of small
> where I compile a group of programs over and over. A makefile sure helps,
> have discovered. And dmc is the fastest compiler that I have seen -- by
> It is great!
> Thank you all very much, I had spent hours on that bug.
> Jim J
> "Jim Jennings" <> wrote in message news:b5bd13$oer$
> > I am grass green on makefiles and am trying my first one.
> >
> > With the lines below from the makefile, I have tried:
> > smake /Fmakefile cleanall
> > which works, but
> > smake /Fmakefile clean
> > does not. It will clean out ALLOBJS, but not ALLBIN.
> >

March 20, 2003
"Matthew Wilson" <> wrote in message news:b5d7h5$21le$
> Jim
> You're more than welcome. :)
> I've had occasion this week to use DM's make for the first time, and there are a number of differences with the one I've previously favoured (Borland's).
> Walter, is it possible to create a separate newsgroup - make ? - so that
> the make information can be centralised?

There's been a lot of traffic recently on smake, but that's pretty rare.

March 21, 2003
Is that a no?


"Walter" <> wrote in message news:b5dbav$24kb$
> "Matthew Wilson" <> wrote in message news:b5d7h5$21le$
> > Jim
> >
> > You're more than welcome. :)
> >
> > I've had occasion this week to use DM's make for the first time, and
> > are a number of differences with the one I've previously favoured
> > (Borland's).
> >
> > Walter, is it possible to create a separate newsgroup - make ? - so that
> all
> > the make information can be centralised?
> There's been a lot of traffic recently on smake, but that's pretty rare.