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| Posted by J C Calvarese in reply to Matthew Wilson | PermalinkReply |
J C Calvarese
Posted in reply to Matthew Wilson
| Matthew Wilson wrote:
> I don't mean to be precious, but would the introduction of a separate
> discussion group be welcomed? I find that there are a lot of new posts
> which, although I'm sure they're interesting, are not germane to D itself,
> and therefore would be best placed in an ancillary space.
> Matthew
From my perspective, the vast majority of the posts seem to be on-topic to D: either asking how to do something in D or suggesting how something should be done in D. A few posts stray into the region of general language design (links to other languages mostly), but since D is still being designed that doesn't seem inappropriate. I can usually tell from a quick glance at the subject line whether the contents are going to be interesting to me.
This group seems to have a wide variety of participants. Most of the posts seem to fall into two categories: Design and Use. I'd guess 90% of the messages relate to design. 10% relate to use.
I've found most of the language design discussions to be mostly over my head, but I can tell they deal with important issues. Personally, I'm more interested in the "using D" messages because I'm inexperienced with the C/C++ languages and I'd rather skip learning them and go directly to using D. It's been a pretty steep learning curve, but I've made some progress. As far as I can tell, D would be as good of a first language as anything once there's a tutorial available.