April 02, 2003 dstrip | ||||
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I've been poking around in Burton's dstrip stuff, and I'm left in a bit of a quandary. Whilst the stuff seems good, and I've no reason to doubt that it's up-to-date with the latest version of D, it seems like the wrong approach. What would be better, surely, is to have this as a built in part of the compiler itself. I don't mean necessarily part of dmd.exe, but rather that the stripper should be using the same lexing, tokenisation, etc. subs-systems as the compiler. That way is the only way to guarantee that it doesn't get out of step. Also, having a D-library tool would be very useful. dlib.exe, or whatever, would compile, link (to lib or DLL) and prepare a stripped version of source from a specified set of source. I've not looked into the compiler source, but I assume it would be reasonably easy to get borrow the requisite functionality from it. (Of course I could be wrong ...) |
April 03, 2003 Re: dstrip | ||||
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Posted in reply to Matthew Wilson | "Matthew Wilson" <dmd@synesis.com.au> wrote in message news:b6e02j$kq7$1@digitaldaemon.com... > I've been poking around in Burton's dstrip stuff, and I'm left in a bit of a > quandary. Whilst the stuff seems good, and I've no reason to doubt that it's > up-to-date with the latest version of D, it seems like the wrong approach. What would be better, surely, is to have this as a built in part of the compiler itself. I don't mean necessarily part of dmd.exe, but rather that the stripper should be using the same lexing, tokenisation, etc. subs-systems as the compiler. That way is the only way to guarantee that it > doesn't get out of step. > > Also, having a D-library tool would be very useful. dlib.exe, or whatever, would compile, link (to lib or DLL) and prepare a stripped version of source > from a specified set of source. I've not looked into the compiler source, but I assume it would be reasonably easy to get borrow the requisite functionality from it. (Of course I could be wrong ...) Definitely. BTW, how does Eiffel manage this "short form" thing, for an example? (I played with that too long ago.) Luna Kid |
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