April 07, 2003
COMSTL has some overloads of a template function that handle boilerplate member accessor functionality. Alas, DMC++ doesn't work with them.

template <as_typename_param_k C, as_typename_param_k T>
inline HRESULT get_MemberValue(C *cls, T *ret, T C::*mem)
    return (ret == 0) ? E_POINTER : (*ret = cls->*mem, S_OK);

template <as_typename_param_k C>
inline HRESULT get_MemberValue(C *cls, BSTR *ret, CComBSTR C::*mem)
    return (ret == 0) ? E_POINTER : (*ret = (cls->*mem).Copy(), (*ret != 0 ?

In the following class

class SimpleServer
  : m_bstrUserName("[No username]")
  , m_logonKey(-1)

// Property accessors
 STDMETHODIMP SimpleServer::get_UserName(/* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pVal)
  return get_MemberValue(this, pVal, &SimpleServer::m_bstrUserName);

 STDMETHODIMP SimpleServer::put_UserName(/* [in] */ BSTR newVal)
  return put_MemberValue(this, newVal, &SimpleServer::m_bstrUserName);

 STDMETHODIMP SimpleServer::get_LogonKey(/* [retval][out] */ short *pVal)
  return get_MemberValue(this, pVal, &SimpleServer::m_logonKey);

 STDMETHODIMP SimpleServer::put_LogonKey(/* [in] */ short newVal)
  return put_MemberValue(this, newVal, &SimpleServer::m_logonKey);

// Members
 CComBSTR m_bstrUserName;
 short  m_logonKey;

It gives the following error

atlstl\property_accessors_test\property_accessors_test.cpp(46) : Error: no
match for function 'get_MemberValue(SimpleServer*,wchar_t **,wchar_t **)'
atlstl\property_accessors_test\property_accessors_test.cpp(51) : Error: no
match for function 'put_MemberValue(SimpleServer*,wchar_t *,wchar_t **)'
--- errorlevel 1

It seems that it cannot work out that the third parameter is a pointer to member, rather than a simple pointer.