April 08, 2003 any ideas? | ||||
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[if you only care about d, you don't need to read this] I have to do this: a distributed application, where the client (a windows app) must receive commands from the server (a linux app). Both the client (already written in D) and the server (in C, I didn't have any other choice) must start with the OS, and only stop running when the OS shuts down. The server is asynchronous (sp?) and should have some sort of control panel (if it's graphical, it's a plus) where the system admin could control the clients. I'm thinking that the control panel could be also a client, but with a special configuration. I mean, when a client connects, it must notify it it's a client or the CP. So far, no problem for me. Now comes the good things. My server is being implemented modifying a talk server (that's when you know it's important to pay attention in class...) and it doesn't save any information about its clients. What's the best option to do this? I was thinking having an array of a struct like this: struct arr { int cliSock,isCP; char IP[15]; }; And it could work. But is it the best option? Now let's consider this: the system admin wants a client to run a command, and wait for it to finish. But s/he also wants to send a file to every active client (an AV update, let's say). (All this assuming that, somehow, the CP already knows what clients are connected). Well, the server receives something like this from the CP: "w SomeMachine notepad" (tell SomeMachine to run notepad and wait for it). Then receives "0" (what notepad returned) and "s * update.av" (send to every machine the file update.av). It's easy to know what comes from the CP, but how does the server know what comes from which client? The real question is: how can the server store what every client should send back? (if it must do it. For example, executing a command w/o waiting won't return anything) I also have to make the server run as a daemon, but I should be able to tackle that. A client issue: the server won't necessarily run on the same machine (at least I think so) and the client doesn't have to tell the user anything. Considering both things, how can I tell the clients where to look for the server? I was thinking about this: a small program that would run only after the installation, where it would ask the user where the main server is, and save it to a file. Besides, the server could send a comand like: "n IPAddress" (new server @ IPAddress), so the client would add it to its file. And when the client starts, it would check for that file and look for every server on it. But what if someone decides to change the network configuration? S/he would have to change the file for every client. Not so good, is it? What should happen if suddenly the server has to shut down or reboot? I mean, what should the clients do? Now, theorically (I haven't checked this feature yet) the clients should look for a server every 5 min if they're not connected. Is it the right option? Because I was thinking, what if the server notified every client that it has returned? The problem would be how can the server know what clients are running (because, again, someone could change the network config. Let's say, they buy a new computer. The server doesn't know about this new client). Broadcasting? But in what range? Every address from (if it exists) to That doesn't sound sensible. Besides, what's the best choice for the CP? Kylix? (know a bit) QT? (don't know how to make it work) php? (don't know anything) JavaScript? (know a bit. is it safe enough?). I hope I'm not abusing with this, but I need a couple of ideas to finish it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. PS: by the way: I wanted to make the client also in C, but I couldn't get read() and write() work properly, so I dropped that. I don't want anything that needs a VM or something like that, that's why I'm not using Java, C# or VB. I wanted to get as low as possible and that's why I chose C at the beginning. With that small introduction, is C+D the best combo for the whole application? Remember: except for the CP, nothing has an interface. Talking about that: do Win9x and Me have the "start" command? If they don't, any other way to run a program in background mode? (I was thinking "start /b myprog"). Thanks again. ------------------------- Carlos Santander |
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