April 08, 2003
Since D is case sensitive, and Windows filenames are not, things get kind of odd when inconsistent case is used with import statements.

import sdl;
import two;

void main()

import SDL;

void initVideo()

..\sdl\SDL.d(57): function SDL_Init conflicts with sdl.SDL_Init at ..\sdl\sdl.d(57)

This will cause symbols to conflict with themselves when you try to compile it.  Using consistent case fixes the problem, but the error message isn't very intuitive.

May 25, 2003
"Andy Friesen" <andy@ikagames.com> wrote in message news:b6vii3$2iim$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> Since D is case sensitive, and Windows filenames are not, things get kind of odd when inconsistent case is used with import statements.

I know. The most practical solution is to simply stick with lower case letters for module names.