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Inline optimization question
Jun 07, 2003
Jun 07, 2003
Jun 07, 2003
Jun 08, 2003
Jun 08, 2003
June 07, 2003
Consider this code:
        void loop(int[] a, int function(int) f)
            for(uint i=0; i<a.length; i++)
                a[i] = f(a[i]);
        int main()
            int[] a = getAnArray();
            loop(a, function int(int a) { return a+1; });
            return 0;
Is the compiler able to optimize this to become:
        int main()
            int[] a = getAnArray();
            for(uint i=0; i<a.length; i++)
                a[i] = a[i]+1;
            return 0;

June 07, 2003
I tried to use obj2asm on the object file but
nothing seems to be inlined.
loop() isn't inlined in main() and the pointer
isn't inlined in loop().

I understand that it is a difficult task to inline
everything, but why isn't loop() inlined in main()?

June 07, 2003
Did you try the -inline flag?

"Dario" <> wrote in message news:bbshga$1phi$
> I tried to use obj2asm on the object file but
> nothing seems to be inlined.
> loop() isn't inlined in main() and the pointer
> isn't inlined in loop().
> I understand that it is a difficult task to inline
> everything, but why isn't loop() inlined in main()?

June 08, 2003
module test;
void loop(int[] a, int function(int) f)
    for(uint i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        a[i] = f(a[i]);
void main()
    int[] a = new int[10];
    loop(a, function int(int b) { return b+1; });
    return 0;

dmd -c -release -inline -O test.d
obj2asm test.obj

_TEXT segment dword use32 public 'CODE' ;size is 0
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment para use32 public 'DATA' ;size is 0
_DATA ends
CONST segment para use32 public 'CONST' ;size is 0
CONST ends
_BSS segment para use32 public 'BSS' ;size is 0
_BSS ends
FLAT group
 extrn _Dtest_loop_FAiPFiZiZv
includelib phobos.lib
 extrn _main
 extrn __acrtused_con
 extrn __Dmain
 extrn _Dtest_main__FiZi
 extrn __d_new
_Dtest_loop_FAiPFiZiZv COMDAT flags=x0 attr=x0 align=x0
__Dmain COMDAT flags=x0 attr=x0 align=x0
_Dtest_main__FiZi COMDAT flags=x0 attr=x0 align=x0

_TEXT segment
 assume CS:_TEXT
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment
_DATA ends
CONST segment
CONST ends
_BSS segment
_BSS ends
_Dtest_loop_FAiPFiZiZv comdat
 assume CS:_Dtest_loop_FAiPFiZiZv
  push EAX
  push EAX
  push EBX
  xor EBX,EBX
  push ESI
  push EDI
            ;move function pointer in EDI
  mov EDI,EAX
  cmp 018h[ESP],EBX
  je L30
  mov 010h[ESP],EBX
  mov EDX,01Ch[ESP]
  mov EBX,018h[ESP]
  mov ESI,EDX
  mov EBX,010h[ESP]
L21:  mov EAX,[EBX*4][ESI]
            ;call function (it's not inlined)
  call EDI
  mov [EBX*4][ESI],EAX
  inc EBX
  cmp EBX,018h[ESP]
  jb L21
L30:  pop EDI
  pop ESI
  pop EBX
  add ESP,8
  ret 8
_Dtest_loop_FAiPFiZiZv ends
__Dmain comdat
 assume CS:__Dmain
L0:  push EAX
  push 4
  push 0Ah
  call near ptr __d_new
  add ESP,8
  push EDX
  push EAX
            ;pass function pointer
  mov EAX,offset FLAT:_Dtest_main__FiZi
            ;call function (it's not inlined)
  call near ptr _Dtest_loop_FAiPFiZiZv
  xor EAX,EAX
  pop ECX
__Dmain ends
_Dtest_main__FiZi comdat
 assume CS:_Dtest_main__FiZi
  inc EAX
_Dtest_main__FiZi ends

June 08, 2003
"Dario" <> wrote in message news:bbshga$1phi$
> I understand that it is a difficult task to inline
> everything, but why isn't loop() inlined in main()?

Most inlines are done that resolve to expressions. Loops are another level of complexity entirely. It usually adds nothing to inline a loop anyway because the time spent in the loop far exceeds the time spent doing a function call.