June 30, 2003
Fabian Giesen wrote:
>>I know that many people are not big fans of reference counting
>>collectors, but if we're implementing a generic GC interface, then we
>>should include reference/dereference handlers so that refcounters
>>could work.
> Refcounting cannot even work in the presence of data structures with
> cyclical references, which includes very basic things like double-linked
> lists and trees where nodes have pointers to their parents. Making
> ref-counting work in that case requires either a complete redesign of the
> datastructures or so-called "weak references", i.e. references that don't
> "own" the object they're referencing.
> This can silently break existing code in a myriad of ways, and it's
> especially bad because it won't cause any suspicious behavior, it'll just
> cause memory leaks to pile. As the whole idea was to make memory management
> *easier* and not more involved and error-prone, I really don't think it's
> worth it.
> -fg

This problem has been solved.


Read the links on "Recycler"

June 30, 2003
> I think I read the link you mentioned. But did you also read that it has an 4-6 (worst case 10) factor between "live object" data and maximum heap size?
> That is: when a program at a point has 2 MB of objects it may need at the same time 20MB (ok typical 10 MB) heap to do this real time?

There are no "typical" values in that table, it's strictly worst-case
analysis, because the absolute upper bounds are what counts for hard
real time requirements. Also note that the statistics given are assuming
the use of a segregated storage allocator - presumably because worst-case
bounds for segregated storage are far easier to compute than for e.g. best
fit :). Finally, the actual GC overhead is "twice the amount of memory that
is allocated per full garbage collection cycle" (per size class; page 26) - the
rest is due to the memory allocator used.

Finally, all this is for *hard* realtime requirements. Relaxing this to soft real-time (i.e. trading somewhat worse worst-case complexity for far better average-complexity) should give quite competitive results (even though it won't show in the worst-case statistics, of course).


July 02, 2003

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