July 28, 2003
If I have an associative array of a user defined type (code shown below), what is returned if I attempt to look up a value with a key that is not found in the associative array?  In the function main() shown below, what would be the value returned for Test2, in the statement:

    	Test2 = H["Test2"];

In other words what happens when the key which is passed as an index to an associative array is not a valid key?


// ====== Code Follows ========

enum TypeTag { Str, Int, Long};

struct _DataItem
	TypeTag Type;
	str Value;
typedef _DataItem DataItem;

struct _HashData
	str Name;
	DataItem[str] Data;
typedef _HashData HashData;

void main()
    	HashData H;
    	DataItem Test1;
    	DataItem Test2;

    	Test1.Type = Str;
    	Test1.Value = "Test1";
    	H["Test1"] = Test1;
    	Test2 = H["Test2"];
July 28, 2003
A new entry for it is created. If you want to see if a value is in or not,
    if ("Test2" in H)

"Terry Bayne" <gnome@hiwaay.net> wrote in message news:Xns93C6663511098tbaynehiwaaynet@
> If I have an associative array of a user defined type (code shown below), what is returned if I attempt to look up a value with a key that is not found in the associative array?  In the function main() shown below, what would be the value returned for Test2, in the statement:
>     Test2 = H["Test2"];
> In other words what happens when the key which is passed as an index to an associative array is not a valid key?
> Thanks
> Terry
> // ====== Code Follows ========
> enum TypeTag { Str, Int, Long};
> struct _DataItem
> {
> TypeTag Type;
> str Value;
> };
> typedef _DataItem DataItem;
> struct _HashData
> {
> str Name;
> DataItem[str] Data;
> }
> typedef _HashData HashData;
> void main()
> {
>     HashData H;
>     DataItem Test1;
>     DataItem Test2;
>     Test1.Type = Str;
>     Test1.Value = "Test1";
>     H["Test1"] = Test1;
>     Test2 = H["Test2"];
> }