Thread overview
dig 0.0.13 release
Jul 31, 2003
Burton Radons
Aug 02, 2003
Charles Sanders
Aug 02, 2003
Charles Sanders
July 31, 2003 (Main page) (Changelog) (Main archive) (Documentation package)

This release is premature; things are transitioning.  But I couldn't recall what changes I'd made to digc.  The main changes are:

- Everything has been moved under net.BurtonRadons; so importing the dig library is now "import net.BurtonRadons.dig.main;", with CanvasGL being brought in with "import;".  All modules have been renamed and separated based on whether they're cross-platform or Windows-specific.

- It now assumes any char [] passed to the library is in UTF-8 and converts it to wide characters.

- The onPaint event is now given a rectangle with which to determine what to repaint.  Canvas uses this, and dedit is optimised for doing minimal repainting now.  You can tell the window manager to paint a region of the canvas with paintRegion.

- A lot of internal hygiene work.  Checkbox is renamed to CheckBox, and some methods have been renamed.

I put in the start of a library summary at (  The class hierarchy is getting increasingly unreadable.

August 02, 2003
> I put in the start of a library summary at (  The class hierarchy is getting increasingly unreadable.

Cool this helps.

Quick note, cartoon.d doesnt build, still using Checkbox.


"Burton Radons" <> wrote in message news:bgbp3l$1gqi$
> (Main page)
> (Changelog)
> (Main archive)
> (Documentation package)
> This release is premature; things are transitioning.  But I couldn't recall what changes I'd made to digc.  The main changes are:
> - Everything has been moved under net.BurtonRadons; so importing the dig library is now "import net.BurtonRadons.dig.main;", with CanvasGL being brought in with "import;".  All modules have been renamed and separated based on whether they're cross-platform or Windows-specific.
> - It now assumes any char [] passed to the library is in UTF-8 and converts it to wide characters.
> - The onPaint event is now given a rectangle with which to determine what to repaint.  Canvas uses this, and dedit is optimised for doing minimal repainting now.  You can tell the window manager to paint a region of the canvas with paintRegion.
> - A lot of internal hygiene work.  Checkbox is renamed to CheckBox, and some methods have been renamed.
> I put in the start of a library summary at (  The class hierarchy is getting increasingly unreadable.

August 02, 2003
dedit's looking awesome :).

( all change the DIDE extensions from .dprj to .dideprj , meant to do that
last time )


"Burton Radons" <> wrote in message news:bgbp3l$1gqi$
> (Main page)
> (Changelog)
> (Main archive)
> (Documentation package)
> This release is premature; things are transitioning.  But I couldn't recall what changes I'd made to digc.  The main changes are:
> - Everything has been moved under net.BurtonRadons; so importing the dig library is now "import net.BurtonRadons.dig.main;", with CanvasGL being brought in with "import;".  All modules have been renamed and separated based on whether they're cross-platform or Windows-specific.
> - It now assumes any char [] passed to the library is in UTF-8 and converts it to wide characters.
> - The onPaint event is now given a rectangle with which to determine what to repaint.  Canvas uses this, and dedit is optimised for doing minimal repainting now.  You can tell the window manager to paint a region of the canvas with paintRegion.
> - A lot of internal hygiene work.  Checkbox is renamed to CheckBox, and some methods have been renamed.
> I put in the start of a library summary at (  The class hierarchy is getting increasingly unreadable.

August 03, 2003
May I ask why there's no setFontFace() or something like that in Font?

Carlos Santander

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