August 01, 2003

struct block
   int x;
   int y;
   int x1;
   int x2;

typedef block lblock;

template vector(T)
   T buf;

   T get()
      return buf;

instance vector(lblock) foo;

int main(char[][] args)
   lblock b = foo.get();

   return 0;

   This code will not compile -- Internal error: ..\ztc\cod1.c 1637
   It will compile if I make foo an instance of vector(block) instead of lblock.
   It will compile if x1 and x2 in block are commented out.

   I know the code won't run if compiled -- I pruned off everything I didn't need to reproduce the error.


August 02, 2003
Thanks, I can take it from here. -Walter