August 24, 2003
I just installed the full version od DIDE over everything (DIDE, dig, dm, dmc) and everything works. I had problems on Friday running it at work and also yesterday at home. At those times I unzipped the dmd and dmc separately from DIDE (in different ways :) but it did not work. Now it even compiles dig projects.

There's a bug in code completion fol a label. Height and width explanations are
mixed up.
What about code-completion? CTRL+SPACE is the best thing ever. :)



August 25, 2003
Alen Siljak wrote:
> There's a bug in code completion fol a label. Height and width explanations are
> mixed up.

And I could not compile a project from IDE. I started with basic dig project, added another class file with Frame subclass, imported it into the first and tried to create the new frame when a button is clicked. What I get is a linker error, not compiler. I guess that's why it's better to use digc than only dmc? Btw, I can't compile digc. :(
