September 01, 2003
Another one of my crazy ideas for type-safe variable argument functions. I think this one is more practical. I only implemented char in this example for simplicity:

char[] format(char[] f, this ...)
 uint ibefore, index = 0;
 char[] result;

  called first, must have no arguments; not necessary if no startup code

  just a nested function
 void findNext()
  ibefore = index;

  while(index != f.length)
   if(f[index] == '%')


  called when a char is passed as a parameter to the ...
 this(char ch)
  if(index == f.length || f[index] != 'c')
   throw new FormatException("Expected %c in format string");

   index - 1 to exclude the %c
  result ~= f[ibefore .. index - 1] ~ (&ch)[0 .. 1];

   skip %c

  called after matching all parameters; must return the type of the function
if not void
  if(index != f.length)
   throw new FormatException("Not enough parameters");

  return result ? result ~ f[ibefore .. f.length] : f;

It would be used very similarly to printf/sprintf:
char[] s = format("hello %c world", 'D');
If a parameter is passed to it and the function doesn't have a constructor
for that type, it's a compile-time error! It would be up to the person
implementing the var arg function to allow, for example, a char to match
with a %d; or it could require the caller to cast it.
As for implementing this into the language, I think it could be setup like
an auto class with an overloaded operator.