September 15, 2003
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 21:03:44 +0000 (UTC) (09/13/03 07:03:44)
, John Boucher <> wrote:

> OpenVMS' logicals are perhaps the most powerful feature of the OS and yet no
> other OS uses them? They're way better than logical link files.
> I'll also add that OpenVMS has the ability to have multiple names for a
> directory or file (which is dangerous and seldom used).

And automatic file versioning!

September 15, 2003
"Antti Sykäri" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
> More things to think about... How do you compare version numbers, for example? There are plenty of different version number schemes, starting from simple x.y.z where x, y and z are numbers, to something like 1.0445j and 2.0-pre4. And you might have branches that are indicated in the version number (Linux kernel has branched versions such as 2.4.21-pre5-ac3, but that kind of versioning might be out of scale here)

Clearly (though not so clearly from my previous post) automatic version checking would imply a standard and well-defined versioning scheme to which all libraries should adhere. This is probably going to be an all too good topic for holy wars. I myself have been using different versioning schemes for different projects and all of them made sense in their own context.

Just to start with something, how about the classic <version>.<subversion>.<release>?


September 15, 2003
Don't know how parse text/html message
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