Thread overview
An appeal for slightly cleaner messages
Sep 17, 2003
Matthew Wilson
Sep 19, 2003
Sep 19, 2003
The Lone Haranguer
September 17, 2003
dmd -c -IH:\SynSoft\D -release -inline
synsoft\win32\regutil.d -ofsynsoft\win32\regutil.obj
synsoft\win32\regutil.d(452): function RegCreateKeyExA (HKEY
hkey,char*lpSubKey,Reserved reserved,char*lpClass,uint dwOptions,REGSAM
samDesired,void*lpSecurityAttributes,HKEY *phkResult,uint*lpdwDisposition)
does not match argument types (HKEY ,char*,Reserved ,REG_VALUE_TYPE
,REG_OPTION ,REGSAM ,void*,HKEY *,uint*)

It'd be really cool if we could have some shmick error-reporting. A nice two-column tabular listing of the argument types, with a * against the erroneous ones. How about:

dmd -c -IH:\SynSoft\D -release -inline
synsoft\win32\regutil.d -ofsynsoft\win32\regutil.obj
synsoft\win32\regutil.d(452): function RegCreateKeyExA does not match
argument types
      HKEY hkey                           HKEY
      char* lpSubKey                      char*
      Reserved reserved                  Reserved
*    char* lpClass                          REG_VALUE_TYPE
*    uint dwOptions                       REG_OPTION
      REGSAM samDesired           REGSAM
      void* lpSecurityAttributes       void*
      HKEY* phkResult                 HKEY*
      uint* lpdwDisposition             uint*

September 19, 2003
At least it's better than:
    ? error
<g>. Nevertheless, you have a good point. I'm always looking for ways to
create better error messages.

"Matthew Wilson" <> wrote in message news:bk9hmc$1s3h$
> dmd -c -IH:\SynSoft\D -release -inline
> synsoft\win32\regutil.d -ofsynsoft\win32\regutil.obj
> synsoft\win32\regutil.d(452): function RegCreateKeyExA (HKEY
> hkey,char*lpSubKey,Reserved reserved,char*lpClass,uint dwOptions,REGSAM
> samDesired,void*lpSecurityAttributes,HKEY *phkResult,uint*lpdwDisposition)
> does not match argument types (HKEY ,char*,Reserved ,REG_VALUE_TYPE
> ,REG_OPTION ,REGSAM ,void*,HKEY *,uint*)
> It'd be really cool if we could have some shmick error-reporting. A nice two-column tabular listing of the argument types, with a * against the erroneous ones. How about:
> dmd -c -IH:\SynSoft\D -release -inline
> synsoft\win32\regutil.d -ofsynsoft\win32\regutil.obj
> synsoft\win32\regutil.d(452): function RegCreateKeyExA does not match
> argument types
>       HKEY hkey                           HKEY
>       char* lpSubKey                      char*
>       Reserved reserved                  Reserved
> *    char* lpClass                          REG_VALUE_TYPE
> *    uint dwOptions                       REG_OPTION
>       REGSAM samDesired           REGSAM
>       void* lpSecurityAttributes       void*
>       HKEY* phkResult                 HKEY*
>       uint* lpdwDisposition             uint*

September 19, 2003
In article <bkfb2b$1v2m$>, Walter says...
>At least it's better than:
>    ? error
><g>. Nevertheless, you have a good point. I'm always looking for ways to create better error messages.

I think you mean "more and better". Hwa hwa hwa.