Thread overview
Is array efficient?
Oct 23, 2003
Ben Y
Oct 23, 2003
Oct 24, 2003
Ben Y
Oct 24, 2003
Oct 24, 2003
Sean L. Palmer
Oct 24, 2003
Ben Y
Oct 24, 2003
Sean L. Palmer
Oct 24, 2003
Sean L. Palmer
Oct 24, 2003
October 23, 2003
Hi, I just saw the D language yesterday from comp.lang.c++.moderated.

I feel that it is a very cool language.

After reading part of the spec, I found that I'm most curious about the built-in array.

It seems that slicing does not create new array but simply just aliases existent
Does it do it by adjusting the internal pointers to the middle of the original
buffer? If true, wouldn't the fact that a pointer may be pointing to the middle
of an object affect garbage collection?

Also, If array is allowed to be overlapped (by slicing), D cannot make the advantage of non-aliased assumption that fortran and C resitrict pointer can make. Does that affect performance for array copying?


October 23, 2003
"Ben Y" <> wrote in message news:bn9fv1$1u8i$
> Hi, I just saw the D language yesterday from comp.lang.c++.moderated.
> I feel that it is a very cool language.


> After reading part of the spec, I found that I'm most curious about the
> array.
> It seems that slicing does not create new array but simply just aliases
> arrays.
> Does it do it by adjusting the internal pointers to the middle of the
> buffer?


> If true, wouldn't the fact that a pointer may be pointing to the middle of an object affect garbage collection?

The garbage collector will account for that.

> Also, If array is allowed to be overlapped (by slicing), D cannot make the advantage of non-aliased assumption that fortran and C resitrict pointer
> make. Does that affect performance for array copying?

It shouldn't.

October 24, 2003
>> If true, wouldn't the fact that a pointer may be pointing to the middle of an object affect garbage collection?
>The garbage collector will account for that.
It's amazing to hear that. Nice work!
>> Also, If array is allowed to be overlapped (by slicing), D cannot make the advantage of non-aliased assumption that fortran and C resitrict pointer
>> make. Does that affect performance for array copying?
>It shouldn't.
Please bear with me if I sound dumb.
But I don't get it. If two int[] can be overlapped, then the optimizer will not
be able to take advantage of the CPU vector processing instructions safely.
Isn't that the whole point of C restricted pointer? How possible that you can
get around it? You don't have to check the overlapping at runtime? Or you just
take that overhead as insignificant compared to the time for array copying?


October 24, 2003
"Ben Y" <> wrote in message news:bn9q4c$2c5k$
> >
> >> If true, wouldn't the fact that a pointer may be pointing to the middle of an object affect garbage collection?
> >
> >The garbage collector will account for that.
> >
> It's amazing to hear that. Nice work!
> >> Also, If array is allowed to be overlapped (by slicing), D cannot make
> >> advantage of non-aliased assumption that fortran and C resitrict
> >can
> >> make. Does that affect performance for array copying?
> >
> >It shouldn't.
> Please bear with me if I sound dumb.
> But I don't get it. If two int[] can be overlapped, then the optimizer
will not
> be able to take advantage of the CPU vector processing instructions
> Isn't that the whole point of C restricted pointer? How possible that you
> get around it? You don't have to check the overlapping at runtime? Or you
> take that overhead as insignificant compared to the time for array

The vector operations don't add anything for copying. They do add value for things like summing.

October 24, 2003
"Walter" <> wrote in message news:bn9ju9$23md$
> > Also, If array is allowed to be overlapped (by slicing), D cannot make
> > advantage of non-aliased assumption that fortran and C resitrict pointer
> can
> > make. Does that affect performance for array copying?
> It shouldn't.

So what are the semantics of aliasing in D?  Does it allow pointer aliasing, ignore it, or fight an uphill battle trying to account for it at the expense of the ability to keep things in registers?


October 24, 2003
"Sean L. Palmer" <> wrote in message news:bnal3l$o4j$
> "Walter" <> wrote in message news:bn9ju9$23md$
> > > Also, If array is allowed to be overlapped (by slicing), D cannot make
> the
> > > advantage of non-aliased assumption that fortran and C resitrict
> > can
> > > make. Does that affect performance for array copying?
> >
> > It shouldn't.
> So what are the semantics of aliasing in D?  Does it allow pointer
> ignore it, or fight an uphill battle trying to account for it at the
> of the ability to keep things in registers?

For copying, they can be aliased. For other vector operations, they cannot be.

October 24, 2003
"Walter" <> wrote in message news:bnaf21$71c$
> > But I don't get it. If two int[] can be overlapped, then the optimizer
> will not
> > be able to take advantage of the CPU vector processing instructions
> safely.
> > Isn't that the whole point of C restricted pointer? How possible that
> can
> > get around it? You don't have to check the overlapping at runtime? Or
> just
> > take that overhead as insignificant compared to the time for array
> copying?

It doesn't check for overlap at runtime, it's undefined behavior to copy a slice with source overlapping destination.  Not sure about pointers though. It wouldn't be hard to check for overlap at runtime though.

> The vector operations don't add anything for copying. They do add value
> things like summing.

They do add value for copying.  The compiler can know unambiguously that you intend to copy the entire array or slice.  With manual copying (for loop) it has to infer this, figure out what you mean, in order to optimize it.  With memcpy, you lose type safety and the compiler usually has to figure out alignment.

You should see the SIMD classes this guy at work is making.  Pretty nice stuff.

Our current approach is to convert source like this:

int[24] a, b, c, d;
int e = 7;
for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i)
    a[i] = b[i] * c[i] * d[i] + e;

into something like this:

int[6][4] a, b, c, d;
int[4] e = 7;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
    a[i][] = b[i][] * c[i][] * d[i][] + e[];

But we have to do it manually.  The compiler should be able to do this automatically for the most part, not really any more complicated than unrolling the loop 4x.

Also we don't do this:

struct point { float x,y,z };
point[12] pts;
float[12] lens;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
    lens[i] = sqrt(pts[i].x*pts[i].x + pts[i].y*pts[i].y +

We do this instead:

struct fourpoints { float[4] x,y,z; };
fourpoints[3] pts;
float[3][4] lens;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    lens[i] = psqrt(pts[i].x[]*pts[i].x[] + pts[i].y[]*pts[i].y[] +

If you don't care about maybe thrashing the cache (will only happen if arrays are big) or cache locality then you can do it this way:

struct allpoints { float[3][4] x,y,z; };
allpoints pts;
float[3][4] lens;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    lens[i] = psqrt(pts.x[i][]*pts.x[i][] + pts.y[i][]*pts.y[i][] +

But this is how I'd like to be able to write the above in D:

struct allpoints { float[12] x,y,z; };
allpoints pts;
float[12] lens;
lens[] = sqrt(pts.x[]*pts.x[] + pts.y[]*pts.y[] + pts.z[]*pts.z[]);

Unfortunately, A) array ops aren't currently implemented, and B) DMD doesn't try to use any SIMD operations yet.


October 24, 2003
>It doesn't check for overlap at runtime, it's undefined behavior to copy a slice with source overlapping destination.  Not sure about pointers though. It wouldn't be hard to check for overlap at runtime though.
Thanks a lot.
So it's the programmers responsibility to ensure no overlapping?
And in case of overlapping, programmer should write code explicitly to copy
elements one by one?

October 24, 2003


"Ben Y" <> wrote in message news:bnbhd8$222h$
> >It doesn't check for overlap at runtime, it's undefined behavior to copy
> >slice with source overlapping destination.  Not sure about pointers
> >It wouldn't be hard to check for overlap at runtime though.
> Thanks a lot.
> So it's the programmers responsibility to ensure no overlapping?
> And in case of overlapping, programmer should write code explicitly to
> elements one by one?