December 05, 2003
Agreed, though I would like to use symbols as operators.


"Mark J. Brudnak" <> wrote in message news:bqq0pe$183n$
> I think only "letter-like" unicode characters should be allowed in D identifiers.  Having variables like
> int   = 42 ;
> float ±×§ =3.14159 ;
> will really confuse things.  Punctuation, shapes, boxdrawing, dingbats,
> symbols, should be prohibited from being used in identifiers.

December 05, 2003
Sean L. Palmer wrote:

> Yeah, just have to set this "free" browser to Encoding... Unicode UTF-8

OK, so I didn't send it right.  (That's what a WASP like me gets for belittling ASCII.)  Unicode isn't very friendly to novices.  I think putting it in a .zip will help out.  Maybe it will work if I turn it into an .html file.

I'm sure there's a setting in Thunderbird that will take care of this stuff automatically; I'm just not sure how much time I want to spent looking for it.

(By the way, I used WinXP's notepad to create the original document because I was lazy and didn't want to hunt down another Unicode-capable editor.)


> That's pretty cool.  Pretty cool indeed.
> I bet you if I cut and paste some D program made by someone is a far-away land, into some web-based translator engine it would probably not do that bad of a job of translating the identifiers back into english again ;)
> Most likely, I'll rarely if ever see any source written in some other language, and if I did, I'd just consider it obfuscation.  It's not a sin punishable by death.
> I think it's cool that finally people can more or less program in their own language, once they learn the english keywords.  A preprocessor would allow even those to be replaced.
> In fact, whose idea was it to allow infix notation for regular identifiers? We could use a preprocessor to translate our D + Unicode Symbols into D that will actually compile.  ;)  Right now it would only work with prefix (lisp-like) notation, however.
> They have some really interesting brackets in Unicode, as well.  Surely there's one just begging to be used for template syntax.
> Sean
> "J C Calvarese" <> wrote in message news:bqpbqo$8no$
>>Sean L. Palmer wrote:
>>>That's fine with me, so long as they are not expressly prohibited, I can
> use
>>>them for my own personal projects.  Support for them would then grow grassroots-style.  I have text editors that support Unicode, and I don't mind cutting and pasting.  Ease of entry is a minor issue to me.
>>>The problem is, if we can't define new operators in D, and it doesn't provide enough overloadable builtin operators, I'm stuck.  I can do
> nothing
>>>but invest in a Unicode-aware preprocessor.  I want the option of moving forward.
>>>What good is being able to compile D source encoded in UTF-8 if you
> aren't
>>>allowed to use any symbols that aren't in ASCII?  (except embedded in
> string
>>Actually, since DMD 0.74 non-ASCII characters (as long they are "unicode
>>alpha") are allowed as identifier names.  (See the attached example.)
>>Also, comments can contain any non-ASCII character.
>>I do think Unicode operators is an interesting idea.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
>>const char[] Sí = "yes";
>>const char[] Año = "year";
>>These don't work (it might be because they are iconic symbols rather than
> part of any actual language)
>>const char[] ???? = "box drawing";
>>const char[] ???? = "cards";
>>int main()
>>  int AñoNúmero = 2003;
>>  int Cyrillic???? = 1;
>>  int Hebrew?????;
>>  printf("%d", AñoNúmero);
>>  return 0;

December 05, 2003
Mark J. Brudnak wrote:

> "J C Calvarese" <> wrote
> <snip>
>>Actually, since DMD 0.74 non-ASCII characters (as long they are "unicode
>>alpha") are allowed as identifier names.  (See the attached example.)
>>Also, comments can contain any non-ASCII character.
> I think only "letter-like" unicode characters should be allowed in D
> identifiers.  Having variables like
> int   = 42 ;
> float ±×§ =3.14159 ;
> will really confuse things.  Punctuation, shapes, boxdrawing, dingbats, math
> symbols, should be prohibited from being used in identifiers.
My mail program garbled the UTF-8 file that I was trying to use as an example.

D only allows unicode alphas (A - Z, alpha - omega, aleph - taw, accented letters, etc.)

For example, the cards symbols (♠♥♣♦) and box elements (╠╢╦╬) can't be used as identifiers (I'm sure because I tried them and it wouldn't compile).

December 20, 2003
"Hauke Duden" <> wrote in message news:bqnr2q$1240$
> Creating Unicode applications in D is a completely different thing (and it was/is already discussed in a different thread).

I agree. D should fully support developing unicode apps. I should point out, though, that right now D supports unicode source text (UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32), unicode characters in comments and strings, and unicode alpha characters in identifiers.

I'm not sure, though, if the world is quite ready yet for unicode operators. We'll see.

December 20, 2003
"Mark J. Brudnak" <> wrote in message news:bqq0pe$183n$
> I think only "letter-like" unicode characters should be allowed in D identifiers.

You're right, and that's the way it works now. I'm going by the C98 "Appendix D" list of allowed alpha characters.

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